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[Dankie aan Tommy Roselt vir die dagstukkies wat hy so getrou vir my e-pos. Ek deel dit weer op my beurt met die besoekers van hierdie blog. Op 'n stadium was "Gedagte vir die week: Deel 1" die mees gelese bladsy. Daarom het ek dit toe verdeel in korter eenhede sodat die bladsye nie so lank is nie. Besoek "Gedagte vir die week: Deel 4" hier. Schalk Pienaar]
'n Jong dame het 'n pragtige sysakdoekie van haar vriend gekry. Eendag het die inkpot per ongeluk
omgeval en van die inkspatsels het op die sakdoekie te lande gekom en dit lelik gevlek. Sy was bitter
hartseer en het haarself verwyt omdat sy deur haar eie nalatigheid die mooi gekenk so bederwe het.
Haar vriend wat 'n kunstenaar was, het op daardie oomblik ingekom en toe sy met 'n droewige gesig
die sakdoekie aan hom toon, het hy net geglimlag en dit by haar geneem. In sy studeerkamer het hy aan die werk gespring en met die fynste kwassies 'n pragtige patroon op die sakdoekie geskilder
wat die inkkolle heeltemal onsigbaar gemaak het. Daarna het hy die sakdoekie aan haar teruggegee.
"O, maar dit is nie my sakdoekie nie." het sy gesê. "Ja dit is," was sy antwoord. Al wat ek gedoen het,
was om die lelike vlekke in 'n sierlike ontwerp te omskep!"
Is dit nie wonderlik nie?
Dit is wat God met ons sondevlekke en mislukkings doen wanneer ons met ware berou en skulderkentenis na Hom toe kom en onsself onvoorwaardelik aan Hom oorgee. Hy maak iets mooi en wonderlik van ons lewens.
As u nog nie u lewe vir Jesus gegee het nie, wil u nie nou u lewe vir Hom gee dat Hy iets kosbaars
daarvan kan maak nie? ~ Oorgeneem ~
Almal is kosbaar in Sy oë..
Ek dra 'n kruis in my sak om my te herinner aan die feit dat ek 'n Christen is, al gaan ek ook waar.
Hierdie kruis is nie 'n towerkrag nie en ook nie 'n gelukbringer nie; dit is ook nie bedoel om my te
beskerm teen enige liggaamlike leed nie.
Dit is ook nie 'n identifikasie vir hele wêreld om sien nie; dit is net 'n verstandhouding tussen
my en my Skepper.
Wanneer ek my hand in my sak steek om 'n muntstuk of sleutel uit te haal, is die kruis daar om my te herinner aan die prys wat Hy vir my betaal het.
Dit herinner my ook om dankbaar te wees vir my seëninge elke dag en my strewe om Hom beter te dien in alles wat ek doen en sê.
Dit is ook 'n daaglikse herinnering aan die vrede en voorspoed wat ek deel met almal wat my
Meester ken en hulself aan Sy sorg oorgee.
Daarom dra ek 'n kruis in my sak om my te herinner dat Jesus Christus die Heer van my lewe is
as ek Hom dit net wil toelaat.
Skrywer onbekend. Vertaal deur David Basson
hoe baie R10 is as jy dit kerk toe neem, en tog so min as jy Supermarktoe gaan.
hoe lank is "n uur as jy die Here dien en hoe kort 60 minute is as jy vis vang.
hoe moeilik dit is om 'n hele hoofstuk van die Bybel op een slag te lees en hoe maklik dit is om
'n hele roman deur te lees
hoe ons nie weet wat om te sê as ons bid nie - en tog kan ons ure lank oor nitighede gesels.
hoe mens te moeg is na werk om biduur oe te gaan, maar hoe verfris jy voel as daar partytjie gehou word.
hoe daar nie nog tyd is om op die kerkraad of Vrouediens te dien nie, maar hoe mens ure lank na TV en Videos kan kyk.
hoe verveeld mens kan raak wanneer die dominie 30 minute lank preek, maar hoe interessant 'n vollengte rolprent kan wees.
hoe onbekwaam 'n mens is om vir Here te werk, maar hoe op hoogte van sake jy kan wees oor die politiek van die dag.
Nee, dit is maar net tekens van waar ons prioriteite lê - en van ons ware toewyding aan die God wat ALLES vir ons gegee het
"Jy moet die Here jou God liefhê met jou hele hart en met jou hele siel en met jou hele verstand.
Dit is die eerste en groot gebod." Matt 22:37. Uitgesoek en ingestuur deur Eerw. Jan Muller
As hy jonk is; kort hy ondervinding. As sy hare grys is;is hy te oud.
As hy ses kinders het; het hy te veel. As hy niks het nie; stel hy 'n slegte voorbeeld.
As sy vrou koor sing: is sy voorop die wa: As sy nie:
stel sy nie genoeg belang in haar man se werk nie.
As hy van notas afpreek: het hy ingelegde preke en is droog:As sy vrou koor sing: is sy voorop die wa: As sy nie:
stel sy nie genoeg belang in haar man se werk nie.
As hy uit die vuis preek: is hy onvoorbereid en herhaal.
As hy baie tyd in sy studeerkamer deurbring:verwaarloos hy sy gemeente.
As hy baie rondkuier ; is hy 'n drentelaar.
As hy baie aandag gee aan die armes: wil hy van gepraat word.As hy baie aandag gee aan die rykes:
kliek hy en is'n snobis.
As hy baie veranderings aanbring: is hy 'n diktator.
As hy geen veranderings aanbring:is hy verbeeldingloos.
As hy teen die kwaad praat : is hy te eng. As hy nie: is hy 'n kompronis.
As hy 'n uur lank preek: is hy langdradig.As hy nie: is hy lui en onvoorbereid.
As hy die waarheid preek: gee hy aanstoot. As hy nie: is hy liberaal.
As hy almal plesier: het geen beginsels nie. As hy nie: doen hy die kerk skade aan.
As hy oor geld preek: is hy gierig. As hy nie ; bou hy nie die gemeente nie.
As hy 'n groot salaris kry: verdien hy dit nie. As hy 'n klein salaris kry; is hy nie veel werd nie.
As hy elke Sondag preek: word die mense moeg vir hom. As hy nie; verwaarloos hy sy werk.
As hy by 'n sieke kom: hoor hy hy moes al eerder gekom het. As hy nie:verwaarloos hy sy werk.
En Tog:
Die bediening is heerlik, want: Deur God geroep
Deur God bekwaam
Deur God gedra
Deur God vergewe
Week 1
Om God te ken moet jy Hom liefhê.
-Blaise Pascal -
Week 2
Daily Bible Verse: Luke 1:30 - 35
'The angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favour with God, and behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be, since I am a virgin?’ The angel answered and said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God.'
- This is truly the greatest story ever told.
- It was the dividing point in all of history.
- God gave His one and only Son because of His great love for us.
- We should just respond and receive His Son as a gift to us personally.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive the gift of Your Son that You gave all those years ago. I open up the door of my heart and I receive Him into my heart and life as my Lord and Saviour. Amen
Week 3
Hy stuur sneeu in die winter,die warmte wat die graan laat dy,
Die briese en die sonskyn, en verfrissende reën daarby.. ~Jan Campbell ~
Week 4
Daily Bible Verse: Isaiah 7:14
'Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel.' (Which means: 'God is with us')
- We are entering the most wonderful time of the year.
- It is a time when we remember and celebrate the birth of our Saviour.
- He is the greatest gift of all and He is a gift to you.
- The reality is that we can know that God is with us no matter what.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the great gift of Your Son. What a joy it is to know that I am not alone but that You are with me and I have a reason to celebrate. Amen
Week 5
Maak in die somer hout bymekaar, en sit in die winter by die vuur. ~CJ Langenhoven. ~
Week 6
Daily Bible Verse: Philippians 4:19
'And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.'
- The Lord will meet the needs that you carry in your heart.
- Every need of yours is an opportunity for God to move.
- Because you are His child, He cares about those things you need.
- So tell Him your needs and look forward to what He will do for you.
PRAYER: Lord, You are the Lord who knows my every need and You have a plan to provide for and meet that need. Thank you. Amen
Week 7
Alle dinge mooi en en vrolik, alle skepselsklei en groot,
Alle dinge wys en wonderlik, die Here God bring alles voort. ~CecilFrancis Alexander
Week 8
Daily Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:8
'God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.'
- What are you expecting and anticipating from the Lord?
- He wants to bless you in all things and at all times.
- He wants to ensure that you have all you need.
- As a result you can be a blessing to those around you.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your blessing and favour on my life. May I live in this blessing as a daily reality and may my life be a blessing to others. Amen
Week 9
Sonder geloof kan 'n mens niks vermag nie; met geloof is alle dinge moontlik. ~Sir William Osler ~
Week 10
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 24:7
'Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter.'
- We should open up the doors of our lives and let God in.
- He stands at the door of our hearts and knocks.
- We just have to open up and receive the greatest gift of all.
- Let Him in, give Him room, you will not be disappointed.
PRAYER: Lord, I open the door of my heart to You. Come and live and dwell within me I pray. Amen
Week 11
'The angel said to her, ‘Do not be afraid, Mary; for you have found favour with God, and behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall name Him Jesus.’ Mary said to the angel, ‘How can this be, since I am a virgin?’ The angel answered and said to her, ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God.'
- This is truly the greatest story ever told.
- It was the dividing point in all of history.
- God gave His one and only Son because of His great love for us.
- We should just respond and receive His Son as a gift to us personally.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive the gift of Your Son that You gave all those years ago. I open up the door of my heart and I receive Him into my heart and life as my Lord and Saviour. Amen
Week 3
Hy stuur sneeu in die winter,die warmte wat die graan laat dy,
Die briese en die sonskyn, en verfrissende reën daarby.. ~Jan Campbell ~
Week 4
Daily Bible Verse: Isaiah 7:14
'Therefore the Lord Himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call Him Immanuel.' (Which means: 'God is with us')
- We are entering the most wonderful time of the year.
- It is a time when we remember and celebrate the birth of our Saviour.
- He is the greatest gift of all and He is a gift to you.
- The reality is that we can know that God is with us no matter what.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the great gift of Your Son. What a joy it is to know that I am not alone but that You are with me and I have a reason to celebrate. Amen
Week 5
Maak in die somer hout bymekaar, en sit in die winter by die vuur. ~CJ Langenhoven. ~
Week 6
Daily Bible Verse: Philippians 4:19
'And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of His glory in Christ Jesus.'
- The Lord will meet the needs that you carry in your heart.
- Every need of yours is an opportunity for God to move.
- Because you are His child, He cares about those things you need.
- So tell Him your needs and look forward to what He will do for you.
PRAYER: Lord, You are the Lord who knows my every need and You have a plan to provide for and meet that need. Thank you. Amen
Week 7
Alle dinge mooi en en vrolik, alle skepselsklei en groot,
Alle dinge wys en wonderlik, die Here God bring alles voort. ~CecilFrancis Alexander
Week 8
Daily Bible Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:8
'God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.'
- What are you expecting and anticipating from the Lord?
- He wants to bless you in all things and at all times.
- He wants to ensure that you have all you need.
- As a result you can be a blessing to those around you.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your blessing and favour on my life. May I live in this blessing as a daily reality and may my life be a blessing to others. Amen
Sonder geloof kan 'n mens niks vermag nie; met geloof is alle dinge moontlik. ~Sir William Osler ~
Week 10
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 24:7
'Open up, ancient gates! Open up, ancient doors, and let the King of glory enter.'
- We should open up the doors of our lives and let God in.
- He stands at the door of our hearts and knocks.
- We just have to open up and receive the greatest gift of all.
- Let Him in, give Him room, you will not be disappointed.
PRAYER: Lord, I open the door of my heart to You. Come and live and dwell within me I pray. Amen
Week 11
God se padkaart vir die lewe is die Bybel!!! ~Kenyou A Palmer ~
Week 12
Daily Bible Verse: Isaiah 63:13
'Like fine stallions racing through the desert, they never stumbled.'
- Life can present us with its fair share of hurdles and obstacles.
- The Lord wants to bring us through these things without stumbling.
- May you be like a fine stallion that never stumbles!
- May you go your way in safety and may your foot never stumble.
PRAYER: Lord, what a joy it is to know that You have my best interests at heart. I choose to walk by faith and not by sight as You help me each day of my life. Amen
Week 13
Om mense lief te hê moet hulle ken: om God te ken moet jy Hom lief hê. ~ Blaise Pascal ~
Week 14
Daily Bible Verse: Isaiah 63:9
'In His love and mercy He redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years.'
- His love and His mercy are always available to you.
- He wants to lift you up and carry you through life.
- He has faithfully brought you through this year.
- He will lift you up and carry you through the years that lie ahead.
PRAYER: Lord, Thank You for Your love and mercy towards me. I rest in the knowledge that You will lift me up and carry me through. Amen
Week 15
God praat ook met ons deur musiek...
Week 16
Verse: Hebrews 4:12
'For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword.'
- The Word of the Lord is powerful and living.
- Never underestimate its power when applied to your life.
- It has the ability to bring life and cause change.
- So take His word and apply it to your life each day.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive Your living and powerful Word into my life today. I pray that my life will
Week 17
Tussen die armes nederig, gewoon het ons Verlosser die aarde bewoon ~Cecil Frances Alexander ~
Week 18
Verse: Isaiah 49:9
Say to the captives, 'Come out,' and to those in darkness, 'Be free!'
- God's gift to each one of us is the gift of freedom.
- His desire is that we would remain free and not become captives.
- Don't let things rule over you and hold you captive.
- 'Come Out' of captivity and 'Be Free' from darkness.
PRAYER: Lord, may I never exchange the freedom You have given me for captivity. May I never exchange the light You have given me for the darkness around me. Amen
Week 19
Deugsaamheid is soos 'n waardevolle steen; op sy mooiste eenvoudig geset. ~Francis Bacon ~
Week 20
Verse: Isaiah 49:10
'He (the Lord) who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.'
- The Lord will lead you and guide you continually.
- He knows and understands what you are facing.
- His compassion and faithfulness knows no end.
- He will take you where you need to go, beside springs of water.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your mercies and Your endless compassion. Lead me today and in this week ahead and may I find the 'springs of water' You have prepared for me. Amen.
Week 21
Lank gelede in die Dawidstad was 'n nederige stal geleë,
En het 'n moeder haar nuwe baba in 'n krip laat lê gedwee:
Maria was dié moeder fyn, Jesus Christus haar kindjie klein. ~Cecil Frances Alexander ~
Week 22
Verse: Isaiah 49:10
' He (the Lord) who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.'
- The Lord will lead you and guide you continually.
- He knows and understands what you are facing.
- His compassion and faithfulness knows no end.
- He will take you where you need to go, beside springs of water.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your mercies and Your endless compassion. Lead me today and in this week ahead and may I find the 'springs of water' You have prepared for me. Amen.
Week 23
Maar die mens moet weet dat in hierdie verhoogstuk van die lewe dit slegs vir
God en die engele bestem is om toeskouers te wees. ~Francis Bacon ~
Week 24
Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:16
'Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.'
- With God in our lives we never need to lose heart.
- In fact, we don't need to become discouraged or give up.
- Why? No matter what happens, He wants to come and renew us.
- May He come and renew you from within, today, and every day.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your renewing power in my life. I will not lose heart, give up or become discouraged because You are at work within me. Amen.
Week 25
'n Mens wat strewe na wraak, hou sy eie wonde vas. ~Francis Bacon ~
Week 26
Verse: Ephesians 2:10
'For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.'
- You are a masterpiece in the hands of God.
- HE is at work within you and He wants you to know it.
- You were born with a divine purpose and destiny.
- He has pre-prepared things that you need to do - do them!
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You want to work in my life and cause me to become Your masterpiece. Show me what You have prepared for me to do and give me the courage to step out and do it. Amen.
Week 27
Die mens wat standvastig op die Allerhoogste vertrou, staan Kragtig in sy krag
wys in sy wysheid, gelukkig in sy geluk. ~Joseph Addison~
Week 28
Verse: Psalm 51:10
'Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.'
- Sometimes the process of life can leave us defiled.
- But we should constantly desire a 'clean heart' and a 'right spirit'.
- This is something that we can ask God to do for us.
- Let Him come to renew and to create something new in you.
PRAYER: Lord, I invite You to come right now and work within my heart and spirit. Remove those things that do not please You and renew my heart and spirit now I pray. Amen.
Week 29
Ver weg in die sonskyn is my hoogste asperasies. Ek sal hulle dalk nie bereik nie, maar ek kan na
hulle opkyk en hulle prag sien, in hulle glo en probeer gaan waar hulle my lei. ~Louisa May Alcott~
Week 30
Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:17
'Never stop praying (pray without ceasing)!'
- We should never give up on this vital aspect - prayer.
- We are encouraged to pray without ceasing.
- We may need to be patient and wait for the answers.
- Take your worries and concerns and make them a matter of prayer.
PRAYER: Lord, I take this moment to present to You my cares and concerns. Instead of worrying, help me to pray about everything and thank You for what You are going to do in my situation. Amen.
Week 31
Terwyl herders snags oor hul kuddes waak,almal sittende op die grond, Het die Engel van die
Here neergedaal, en heerlikheid was oral rond. ~Nahum Tate ~
Week 30
Week 31
Om mense lief te hê moet jy hulle ken:om God te ken moet jy Hom liefhê ~BlaisePascal ~
Week 32
Verse: Isaiah 53:5
'He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; the punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, and by His stripes (wounds) we are healed.'
- Our Lord was wounded, crushed and punished so that we can be free.
- He took the punishment that we deserved.
- The result is that we can be forgiven and be set free from sin.
- We no longer need to be ashamed, but we can be His sons and daughters.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the price that You paid so that I can be free. I remember this great sacrifice and I remain eternally grateful. Amen.
Week 33
Genade is soos 'n aflosstokkie. Jy deel net in die oorwinning as jy die stokkie aan gee ~Thielicke ~
Week 34
Verse: Proverbs 21:3
'To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.'
- You and I are called upon to do what the Lord expects of us.
- What a delight to be able to serve the Lord in this way.
- He knows the hearts of every living soul.
- He calls out to us and reminds us to be an example and a blessing.
PRAYER: Lord, may my life be a source of blessing to those around me. Help me to always do the right thing and in the process to bring You praise, honour and glory. Amen.
Week 35
Tyd is lewe... Wat jy met jou ure en dae doen, is wat jymet jou lewe doen!!! ~John Boykin ~
Week 36
Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:8
'And God is able to bless you abundantly...'
- It is in God's very nature to bless and provide for us.
- He wants to pour out His grace on you abundantly.
- He came that you could have life and have it more abundantly.
- He will abundantly bless you with the provision that you need.
Lord, thank You for Your promise of blessing, provision and abundant life. I will settle for nothing less that Your best for me. Amen.
Week 37
Hy wat liefhet, het groot arms. ~Vader Frans Claerhout ~
Week 38
Verse: Matthew 25:21
- Will your Master be able to say this about you?
- This servant was praised for being good and faithful and not for being a success.
- The Lord is looking for much greater things than mere success.
- His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!'
Let us be good, kind and merciful and may we be found faithful.
PRAYER: Lord, I recognize today that Your standards are different to those in the world. I choose to live in a way that honours You and I pray that I will be found faithful. Amen.
Week 39
'n Hensopper wen nooit nie, 'n wenner hensop nooit nie. ~Anoniem ~
Week 40
Verse: Matthew 25:21
His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!'
- Will your Master be able to say this about you?
- This servant was praised for being good and faithful and not for being a success.
- The Lord is looking for much greater things than mere success.
- Let us be good, kind and merciful and may we be found faithful.
PRAYER: Lord, I recognize today that Your standards are different to those in the world. I choose to live in a way that honours You and I pray that I will be found faithful. Amen.
Week 41
God het ons lief in goeie en in slegte tye... maar Hy is meer werklik in ons lewens wanneer
ons deur moeilike tye gaan. ~Job Gibbs
Week 42
Verse: Luke 16:10
'Whoever is faithful with very little will also be faithful with much...'
- So much can be achieved with very little.
- Often we despise the small or the little things.
- The Lord can take the little things and make something great out of them.
- He took 5 loaves and 2 fish and fed thousands of people.
PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for despising the little things. Help me to realise that as I remain faithful in the little things that You promise to use them in a greater way than I could have imagined. Amen.
Week 43
Eensaamheid was die eerste ding wat in dei oe van God nie goed was nie ... ~John Milton
Week 44
Verse: Psalm 118:13
'....but the Lord helped me.'
- It is in the Lord's very nature to help each one of us.
- This should be the testimony of our lives: ... 'but the Lord helped me'.
- But for the Lord where would we be?
- Ask for His help, believe for His help and expect Him to help you.
PRAYER: Lord, I would have despaired if I had not known that You would and did help me. You are my helper. Amen.
Week 45
God het ons lief net soos ons is, maar Hy het ons té lief om ons te los soos ons is. ~Leighton Ford ~
Week 46
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 118:12
'They swarmed around me like bees, but they were consumed as quickly as burning thorns; in the name of the LORD I cut them down.'
- Sometimes issues and problems can come at us from every side.
- There are times when we may even feel overwhelmed.
- But in each situation the Lord wants to give you the victory.
- He will bring you through it and cut down those things that try to destroy you.
PRAYER: Lord, may I see and experience the victory that You have prepared for me. May those ‘swarming bees’ be removed from my life. Amen
Week 47
Daar is 'n groen heuwel ver van hier, waar die Heer gekruisig is ...
Ons sal nooit weet of ooit kon raai, die pyn wat hy moes verdra, maar ons glo dit was vir ons..
Dat Hy die kruis moes dra. ~Cecil Frances Alexande
Week 48
Refuse to allow worry to overtake you in your current situation.
Instead, put your trust completely in Me to do what you cannot accomplish on your own.
There are things that are beyond your control that require divine intervention. Let Me bring light into darkness to reveal all that you need to understand, says the Lord.
Matthew 6:27 "Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"
Week 49
Daar is soveel goedheid in die slegste van ons,en soveel boosheid in die beste tussen ons, dat daar werklik nie een is tussen ons, wat vinger kan wys na die res van ons. ~Anoniem ~
Week 50
Verse: Isaiah 43:16
'I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea.'
- The Lord is the One who can work a miracle in your situation.
- Obstacles that humans face are not a challenge to Him.
- He will make a way for you and He will create a path in your situation.
- Rest in Him and let Him lead you step by step and day by day.
PRAYER: Lord, I give You the situation that I am facing. Part the sea for me I pray and lead me through and on to the victory You have prepared for me. Amen.
Week 51
Laat daar liefde wees, in dié wat geen liefde ken, laat die wat reeds liefhet,nou meer liefde wen. ~Vertaal deur Parnell ~
Week 52
Daily Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:28
'God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.'
- The Lord uses the unlikely and the despised things for His glory.
- He sees things from a different perspective.
- The Lord did not use the great and the mighty, but choose fishermen.
- This means that we all qualify to be used by Him in a wonderful way.
PRAYER: Lord, what a joy it is to know that You can use me and use my life to expand and extend Your kingdom here on earth. Thank you for choosing me. Amen
Week 53
O, Heer! U weet hoe besig ek vandagmoet wees: as ek van U vergeet, moet my tog nie vergeet nie.~Sir Jacob Astley ~
Week 54
Daily Bible Verse: Proverbs 15:15
'….the cheerful heart has a continual feast.'
- We should develop a cheerful, happy disposition.
- When sadness is allowed to take root, everything looks dark.
- When hope and thankfulness is alive within us, we can truly live.
- Life can be a ‘continual feast’ if our hearts are in a good way.
PRAYER: Lord, I choose to cultivate a cheerful heart. May I see the good in every situation and in every person, and may I know what it means to live life as a ‘continual feast’. Amen
Week 55
Ons het gefouteer... ons het die planne en begeertes van ons eie harte te veel nagestreef..
Week 56
Daily Thought 29 February 2016
Isaiah 45:22
'Look to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.'
Sometimes we look in all the wrong places for the help we need.
We cannot look to ourselves for the help that we need.
We need to look beyond ourselves to the One who has the power to save.
He is the One to whom we must look, there is no other.
Week 57
Hy wat onderdanig is vrees geen val, hy wat beskeie is geen hoogmoed, hy wat nederig is kan totaal
vertrou op God om hom te behoed. ~John Bunuan ~
Week 58
Verse: Isaiah 12:2
'Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.'
- Everything changes the moment we place our trust in God.
- Let Him be the one you trust in, your refuge and your all.
- We should move from head-knowledge to trusting with our hearts.
- As we live in this way, fear does not need to be a part of our lives.
PRAYER: Lord, today I choose to move to a place of trusting You completely. I declare that I will trust in You and I will not be afraid. Amen.
Week 59
Hy wat onderdanig is vrees geen val,hy wat beskeie is geen hoogmoed.
Hy wat nederig is kan totaal vertrou op God om hom te behoud. ~John Nunyan ~
Week 60
Verse: Psalm 103:12
'As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.'
- Never doubt the magnitude of God's forgiveness towards you.
- It is the Lord who blots out our transgressions.
- He does not remember our sins but wants to remove them from us.
- Receive His forgiveness and walk in the forgiveness He gives.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the forgiveness You extend to me. My stains are washed by Your precious blood and I am cleansed from all unrighteousness. Amen.
Week 61
ons ploeg die velde, en strooi die goeie saad op die land, maar dit word gevoed en kry water
deur God se almagtige hand... ~Jane Campbell ~
Week 62
Verse: Acts 4:33
'With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord. And God's grace was so powerfully at work in them all.'
- You and I can continue to testify to the resurrection power in our lives.
- We can truly be alive because the Lord has paid the price for us.
- The result was that the power of God was powerfully at work.
- May the Lord's grace be powerfully at work in and through you.
PRAYER: Lord, may I live and walk in such a way that my life will be a demonstration of Your grace and power that is at work within me. Amen.
Week 63
Louwarmte beskou ek as 'n sonde - ewe groot in geloof as in liefde. ~Abraham Cowley ~
Week 64
Verse: Isaiah 43:16
'I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea.'
- The Lord is the One who can work a miracle in your situation.
- Obstacles that humans face are not a challenge to Him.
- He will make a way for you and He will create a path in your situation.
- Rest in Him and let Him lead you step by step and day by day.
PRAYER: Lord, I give You the situation that I am facing. Part the sea for me I pray and lead me through and on to the victory You have prepared for me. Amen.
Week 65
Met my oog gerig op God en die ewigheid besef ek ... dat ek geen haat of bitterheid
teenoor enigeen moet koester nie. ~Edith Cavell ~
Week 66
Isaiah 45:22
'Look to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.'
Sometimes we look in all the wrong places for the help we need.
We cannot look to ourselves for the help that we need.
We need to look beyond ourselves to the One who has the power to save.
He is the One to whom we must look, there is no other.
Prayer: Lord, today I choose not to look to anyone or anything else for the help I need, other than to You, the Lord, who is my hope and salvation. Amen.
Week 67
Een God, een wet, een element,en een veraf goddelike moment, wat die hele skepping aandryf Ãlfred, Lord Tennyson ~
Week 68
Daily Thought 26 February 2016
Proverbs 3:5
'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.'
The Lord calls us from a place of self-reliance to a place of dependence on Him.
When we think we are wise we stand in a dangerous place.
We need to get to that place where we can completely trust Him.
Don't rest on your understanding, seek His.
Prayer: Lord, forgive me for thinking that I know what to do or which way to turn. I recognise that You know better than I do and I choose to rest in Your wisdom. Amen.
Week 69
"Waardig die Lam wat gesterf het", roep hul, roep hul, "so wonderbaar verhewe";
"Waardig die Lam" roep hul gul, "Geslag sodat ons kan lewe". ~Isaac Watts ~ ,
Week 70
John 15:15
'I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends.'
What a joy it is to know our Lord as a friend.
When last did you speak to this great Friend?
Fellowship with God is our privilege and delight.
Take every opportunity to connect with the One who is the lover of your soul.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the special relationship that I can have with You, my loving Heavenly Father and my friend. Amen.
Week 71
Rots van alle Eeue, vir my gebreek, laat ek my in U versteek; laat die water en die bloed,
Gevloei uit U deurboorde sy, die greep van die sonde verbreek en my van sy skuld en krag bevry.
~ Montague Toplady ~
Week 72
Deuteronomy 33:27
'The eternal God is your refuge, and His everlasting arms are under you.'
Each one of us are being carried in His everlasting arms.
Knowing this allows us to weather any storms that come our way.
He will carry you, today and tomorrow and to the end.
Those same arms will carry us into His presence when we will see Him face to face.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your everlasting arms that carry and undergird me through the storms and challenges I face. Amen.
Week 73
Ons God
Week 74, ons hulp deur eeue heen, ons hoop vir heel die toekoms, ons beskuttingas die storms kreun,
'n Ewige tuiste vir ons. ~Isaac Watts ~
Psalm 30:11
'You turned my wailing into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.'
The Lord can turn any situation around.
He can turn mourning and sorrow into joyful dancing.
He can take heaviness and depression and replace it with His joy.
Suddenly, in a moment, it can all change!
Prayer: Lord, I pray that You will come and turn the situation I am facing around. May I know what it means to see a miracle in front of my eyes and may I be filled with joy as a result. Amen.
Week 74
Psalm 36:9
'For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.'
The Lord should be our source and our fountain of life.
The ultimate source of all life is God.
He should be our fountain of hope and joy.
Find your fulfillment and your peace in Him and Him alone.
Prayer: Lord, I declare that You are my source and the very fountain of my life. May I know Your living water flowing in and through me I pray. Amen.
Week 75
Vandag is ek al tagtig jaar..God gee dat ek nie bly leef totdat ek nutteloos is nie. ~John Westsley
Week 76
Psalm 36:9
'For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.'
The Lord should be our source and our fountain of life.
The ultimate source of all life is God.
He should be our fountain of hope and joy.
Find your fulfillment and your peace in Him and Him alone.
Prayer: Lord, I declare that You are my source and the very fountain of my life. May I know Your living water flowing in and through me I pray. Amen.
Week 77
Van al die hartseer woorde wat kan hoor of lees, is die hartseerdste nog, "Dit sou kon wees!" ~Whitter~
Week 78
Psalm 95:1
'Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation!'
Each day is another opportunity to celebrate.
We can choose to celebrate or we can complain and bemoan things.
Don't start the day on a negative footing.
Rejoice, believe for the best and expect His favour on your life.
Prayer: Lord, I choose to celebrate the opportunities You give me each and every day. May I know Your presence in my life from start to finish! Amen.
Week 79
Wees U my Leidsman en Bewaarder, as ek roep gee dat U luister; Laat my nie gly in diepe water,
Steun my as ek val in duister. ~Isaac Williams ~
Week 80
Matthew 11:28
'Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.'
Often we carry around heavy burdens and concerns.
In reality we dishonour our faith when we choose to walk this way.
Our Saviour has invited us to come to Him and to give Him our concerns.
He can carry with ease what is a weight and a burden to us.
Prayer: Lord, thank You that I can bring my issues, my worries and my concerns to You and I can place them in Your hands knowing that You can carry them for me. Amen.
Week 81
Here wie is die mens?
Hoekom het hy U so duur gekos? Wat het sy verval u ontneem?
Heer, wat is mens, dat U so duur moes betaal vie iete wat altyd faal? `Richard Crashaw ~
Week 82
Psalm 119:105
'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.'
The Lord longs to lead you and to guide you.
We may not see the big picture, but He will show us the next step.
He is faithful to lead and guide those who look to Him to show them the way.
Let His word have the final authority in your life and in your choices.
Prayer: Lord, I pray that You will lead me and guide me and show me the direction I should take. May my path be lit with Your light and may my feet be guided by Your word. Amen.
Week 83
Die grote wêreld se altaarstrappe, wat deur die duisternis na God toe loop. ~Alfred~, Lord Tennyson
Week 84
'I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you.'
You are dearly loved by your Heavenly Father.
In fact, His love for you is everlasting and not fleeting like human emotions.
In His love He is constantly reaching out to you and drawing you to Himself.
As we respond to His love and receive His embrace, we know His faithfulness.
Prayer: Lord, Your everlasting love for me is something I value and treasure. I respond to Your drawing and I receive Your embrace. Amen.
Week 85
Die dagbreekhet begin, soos die eerste môre
Die lyster het gesing soos die eerste voëltjie.
Lof vir die voëlgesang!
Lof want die breek aan!
Week 86
Daily Bible Verse: Ephesians 2:10 (Amplified Bible)
'We are His workmanship [His work of art], created in Christ [spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared for us beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].'
- What a joy it is to know that God has pre-prepared great things for us.
- He is always at work within us just as an artist works on his artwork.
- He has already created paths designed just for you to walk in.
- The Lord has a plan for every life that is fully submitted to Him.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the work that You are doing in my life. I want nothing other than Your perfect and complete plan, will and path for my life. Amen
Week 87
John 14:6
As ek die wonderbare kruis aanskou.
Waar die Prinsvan Gloriemoes hang
Wod my grootste wins as velies beskou,
En al my trots met veragting vervang. `Isaac Watts ~
Week 88
John 8:12
'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'
Our choice to follow God brings with it glorious consequences.
It is a giant leap into the very light that fills us with an eternal hope.
The result is that we NEVER need to walk in darkness again.
His light comes and changes everything it touches.
Prayer: Lord, today I choose afresh to follow You. Give me the faith I need to step out of the darkness and cause me to live in Your glorious light today, and forever. Amen.
Week 89
soos 'n Vader versorg en behoed Hy ons;
hy weet hoe swak en nietig is ek...
Prys Hom1 Prys Hom! so wyd soos sy genade strek. `henry Francis Lyte ~
Hulle deug is leweloos en sonder waarde.
Die lewe het nog nie sy volle skoonheid aan hulle onthul nie. ~Boris Pasternak ~
Week 92
Psalm 106:8
'He saved them - to defend the honour of His name and to demonstrate His mighty power.'
The Lord wants to work in your situation as a demonstration of His mighty power.
He wants to intervene and save us simply because He is God.
We may fail Him but He has no intention of failing us.
He will defend the honour of His name and work wonders.
Prayer: Lord, may Your mighty power be demonstrated in my situation so that others will know that You are God and there is no one like You. Amen.
Week 93
Om saam te bid,in welke taal of ritueel, is die teerste broederskap van hoop
en medelye wat mense in hierdie lewe kan sluit ~Madame de Stael ~
Week 94
1 Samuel 12:22
'For the sake of His great name the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pelased to make you His own.'
The Lord has not and will not reject or abandon you.
He will never reject His own sons and daughters.
As His child you belong to Him.
Rest assured today that you belong to God and He is your Father.
Prayer: Lord, I rest secure, now and always, in the great knowledge that I belong to You and You will in no way abandon, reject or leave me. Amen.
Week 95
Hoe kan 'n jong mens sy lewe skoon hou?
as hy leef soos U gesê het. ~Psalm ~119:9 ~
Week 96
1 Peter 2:9
'....for He called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light.'
The Lord is the One who calls out to us in our darkness.
He comes to exchange darkness with His wonderful light.
He has called us out of the darkness of ignorance and sin.
Those who walk in His light experience something of His wonder and glory.
Prayer: Lord, today I step away from the darkness. I hear Your call and I respond, and I step into Your wonderful light. Amen.
Week 97
Hy het gebid vir krag sodat hy kan presteer;
Hy is swak gemaak sodat hy kan gehoorsaam ~
Week 98
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 118:27
'The LORD is God, and He has made His light shine on us.'
- The Lord has caused His face to shine upon you.
- His desire is that you would know His light in your heart and life.
- His light shines bright even in the darkest night.
- His light will guide, comfort and sustain you.
PRAYER: Lord, let Your light, the light of Your face shine on me. May I walk in Your light and in the process may I know the assurance that You have saved me and You have given me life. Amen
Week 99
Hy het vir rykdom gebid sodat hy gelukkig kan wees;
Hy het armoede ontvang sodat hy verstandig ksn wees...
Sy gebed is verhoor - hy is ryklik geseën. ~OuteurOnbekend ~
Week 100
John 14:6
'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'
These are the very words of our Saviour.
He is reminding us that He is the way, truth and life.
In Christ we can find our way, know the truth and enjoy life.
There is no shortcut because He is the only way and the only door.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for another beautiful day. I come to You today, because You are the way, the truth and the life and I recognise that I need You. Amen.
Week 101
Mense is slegs in Christus vry en hulle bly vry, selfs in boeie. ~Fedreich von Schiller ~
Week 102
Ongeloof is blind..geloof sien in die donker! John Milton ~
Week 12
Daily Bible Verse: Isaiah 63:13
'Like fine stallions racing through the desert, they never stumbled.'
- Life can present us with its fair share of hurdles and obstacles.
- The Lord wants to bring us through these things without stumbling.
- May you be like a fine stallion that never stumbles!
- May you go your way in safety and may your foot never stumble.
PRAYER: Lord, what a joy it is to know that You have my best interests at heart. I choose to walk by faith and not by sight as You help me each day of my life. Amen
Week 13
Om mense lief te hê moet hulle ken: om God te ken moet jy Hom lief hê. ~ Blaise Pascal ~
Week 14
Daily Bible Verse: Isaiah 63:9
'In His love and mercy He redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years.'
- His love and His mercy are always available to you.
- He wants to lift you up and carry you through life.
- He has faithfully brought you through this year.
- He will lift you up and carry you through the years that lie ahead.
PRAYER: Lord, Thank You for Your love and mercy towards me. I rest in the knowledge that You will lift me up and carry me through. Amen
Week 15
God praat ook met ons deur musiek...
Week 16
Verse: Hebrews 4:12
'For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword.'
- The Word of the Lord is powerful and living.
- Never underestimate its power when applied to your life.
- It has the ability to bring life and cause change.
- So take His word and apply it to your life each day.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive Your living and powerful Word into my life today. I pray that my life will
Week 17
Tussen die armes nederig, gewoon het ons Verlosser die aarde bewoon ~Cecil Frances Alexander ~
Week 18
Verse: Isaiah 49:9
Say to the captives, 'Come out,' and to those in darkness, 'Be free!'
- God's gift to each one of us is the gift of freedom.
- His desire is that we would remain free and not become captives.
- Don't let things rule over you and hold you captive.
- 'Come Out' of captivity and 'Be Free' from darkness.
PRAYER: Lord, may I never exchange the freedom You have given me for captivity. May I never exchange the light You have given me for the darkness around me. Amen
Week 19
Deugsaamheid is soos 'n waardevolle steen; op sy mooiste eenvoudig geset. ~Francis Bacon ~
Week 20
Verse: Isaiah 49:10
'He (the Lord) who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.'
- The Lord will lead you and guide you continually.
- He knows and understands what you are facing.
- His compassion and faithfulness knows no end.
- He will take you where you need to go, beside springs of water.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your mercies and Your endless compassion. Lead me today and in this week ahead and may I find the 'springs of water' You have prepared for me. Amen.
Lank gelede in die Dawidstad was 'n nederige stal geleë,
En het 'n moeder haar nuwe baba in 'n krip laat lê gedwee:
Maria was dié moeder fyn, Jesus Christus haar kindjie klein. ~Cecil Frances Alexander ~
Week 22
Verse: Isaiah 49:10
' He (the Lord) who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.'
- The Lord will lead you and guide you continually.
- He knows and understands what you are facing.
- His compassion and faithfulness knows no end.
- He will take you where you need to go, beside springs of water.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your mercies and Your endless compassion. Lead me today and in this week ahead and may I find the 'springs of water' You have prepared for me. Amen.
Maar die mens moet weet dat in hierdie verhoogstuk van die lewe dit slegs vir
God en die engele bestem is om toeskouers te wees. ~Francis Bacon ~
Week 24
Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:16
'Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.'
- With God in our lives we never need to lose heart.
- In fact, we don't need to become discouraged or give up.
- Why? No matter what happens, He wants to come and renew us.
- May He come and renew you from within, today, and every day.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your renewing power in my life. I will not lose heart, give up or become discouraged because You are at work within me. Amen.
'n Mens wat strewe na wraak, hou sy eie wonde vas. ~Francis Bacon ~
Week 26
Verse: Ephesians 2:10
'For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.'
- You are a masterpiece in the hands of God.
- HE is at work within you and He wants you to know it.
- You were born with a divine purpose and destiny.
- He has pre-prepared things that you need to do - do them!
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You want to work in my life and cause me to become Your masterpiece. Show me what You have prepared for me to do and give me the courage to step out and do it. Amen.
Week 27
wys in sy wysheid, gelukkig in sy geluk. ~Joseph Addison~
Week 28
Verse: Psalm 51:10
'Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.'
- Sometimes the process of life can leave us defiled.
- But we should constantly desire a 'clean heart' and a 'right spirit'.
- This is something that we can ask God to do for us.
- Let Him come to renew and to create something new in you.
PRAYER: Lord, I invite You to come right now and work within my heart and spirit. Remove those things that do not please You and renew my heart and spirit now I pray. Amen.
Ver weg in die sonskyn is my hoogste asperasies. Ek sal hulle dalk nie bereik nie, maar ek kan na
hulle opkyk en hulle prag sien, in hulle glo en probeer gaan waar hulle my lei. ~Louisa May Alcott~
Week 30
Verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:17
'Never stop praying (pray without ceasing)!'
- We should never give up on this vital aspect - prayer.
- We are encouraged to pray without ceasing.
- We may need to be patient and wait for the answers.
- Take your worries and concerns and make them a matter of prayer.
PRAYER: Lord, I take this moment to present to You my cares and concerns. Instead of worrying, help me to pray about everything and thank You for what You are going to do in my situation. Amen.
Terwyl herders snags oor hul kuddes waak,almal sittende op die grond, Het die Engel van die
Here neergedaal, en heerlikheid was oral rond. ~Nahum Tate ~
Week 30
Verse: 1 Peter 2:24
'He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right.'
- The death of our Saviour was unlike any other death.
- His death was significant in every way.
- His dying was different because He carried our sins in the process.
- Now you and I can be dead to sin and we can live for what is right.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for going to the cross for me. You paid the price so that I could be free. Because of You, life is worth living. Amen.
'He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross so that we can be dead to sin and live for what is right.'
- The death of our Saviour was unlike any other death.
- His death was significant in every way.
- His dying was different because He carried our sins in the process.
- Now you and I can be dead to sin and we can live for what is right.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for going to the cross for me. You paid the price so that I could be free. Because of You, life is worth living. Amen.
Week 31
Om mense lief te hê moet jy hulle ken:om God te ken moet jy Hom liefhê ~BlaisePascal ~
Week 32
Verse: Isaiah 53:5
'He was wounded for our transgressions, He was crushed for our wickedness [our sin, our injustice, our wrongdoing]; the punishment [required] for our well-being fell on Him, and by His stripes (wounds) we are healed.'
- Our Lord was wounded, crushed and punished so that we can be free.
- He took the punishment that we deserved.
- The result is that we can be forgiven and be set free from sin.
- We no longer need to be ashamed, but we can be His sons and daughters.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the price that You paid so that I can be free. I remember this great sacrifice and I remain eternally grateful. Amen.
Week 33
Genade is soos 'n aflosstokkie. Jy deel net in die oorwinning as jy die stokkie aan gee ~Thielicke ~
Week 34
Verse: Proverbs 21:3
'To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice.'
- You and I are called upon to do what the Lord expects of us.
- What a delight to be able to serve the Lord in this way.
- He knows the hearts of every living soul.
- He calls out to us and reminds us to be an example and a blessing.
PRAYER: Lord, may my life be a source of blessing to those around me. Help me to always do the right thing and in the process to bring You praise, honour and glory. Amen.
Week 35
Tyd is lewe... Wat jy met jou ure en dae doen, is wat jymet jou lewe doen!!! ~John Boykin ~
Week 36
Verse: 2 Corinthians 9:8
'And God is able to bless you abundantly...'
- It is in God's very nature to bless and provide for us.
- He wants to pour out His grace on you abundantly.
- He came that you could have life and have it more abundantly.
- He will abundantly bless you with the provision that you need.
Lord, thank You for Your promise of blessing, provision and abundant life. I will settle for nothing less that Your best for me. Amen.
Week 37
Hy wat liefhet, het groot arms. ~Vader Frans Claerhout ~
Week 38
Verse: Matthew 25:21
- Will your Master be able to say this about you?
- This servant was praised for being good and faithful and not for being a success.
- The Lord is looking for much greater things than mere success.
- His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!'
Let us be good, kind and merciful and may we be found faithful.
PRAYER: Lord, I recognize today that Your standards are different to those in the world. I choose to live in a way that honours You and I pray that I will be found faithful. Amen.
'n Hensopper wen nooit nie, 'n wenner hensop nooit nie. ~Anoniem ~
Week 40
Verse: Matthew 25:21
His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant!'
- Will your Master be able to say this about you?
- This servant was praised for being good and faithful and not for being a success.
- The Lord is looking for much greater things than mere success.
- Let us be good, kind and merciful and may we be found faithful.
PRAYER: Lord, I recognize today that Your standards are different to those in the world. I choose to live in a way that honours You and I pray that I will be found faithful. Amen.
God het ons lief in goeie en in slegte tye... maar Hy is meer werklik in ons lewens wanneer
ons deur moeilike tye gaan. ~Job Gibbs
Week 42
Verse: Luke 16:10
'Whoever is faithful with very little will also be faithful with much...'
- So much can be achieved with very little.
- Often we despise the small or the little things.
- The Lord can take the little things and make something great out of them.
- He took 5 loaves and 2 fish and fed thousands of people.
PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for despising the little things. Help me to realise that as I remain faithful in the little things that You promise to use them in a greater way than I could have imagined. Amen.
Eensaamheid was die eerste ding wat in dei oe van God nie goed was nie ... ~John Milton
Week 44
Verse: Psalm 118:13
'....but the Lord helped me.'
- It is in the Lord's very nature to help each one of us.
- This should be the testimony of our lives: ... 'but the Lord helped me'.
- But for the Lord where would we be?
- Ask for His help, believe for His help and expect Him to help you.
PRAYER: Lord, I would have despaired if I had not known that You would and did help me. You are my helper. Amen.
God het ons lief net soos ons is, maar Hy het ons té lief om ons te los soos ons is. ~Leighton Ford ~
Week 46
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 118:12
'They swarmed around me like bees, but they were consumed as quickly as burning thorns; in the name of the LORD I cut them down.'
- Sometimes issues and problems can come at us from every side.
- There are times when we may even feel overwhelmed.
- But in each situation the Lord wants to give you the victory.
- He will bring you through it and cut down those things that try to destroy you.
PRAYER: Lord, may I see and experience the victory that You have prepared for me. May those ‘swarming bees’ be removed from my life. Amen
Week 47
Daar is 'n groen heuwel ver van hier, waar die Heer gekruisig is ...
Ons sal nooit weet of ooit kon raai, die pyn wat hy moes verdra, maar ons glo dit was vir ons..
Dat Hy die kruis moes dra. ~Cecil Frances Alexande
Week 48
Refuse to allow worry to overtake you in your current situation.
Instead, put your trust completely in Me to do what you cannot accomplish on your own.
There are things that are beyond your control that require divine intervention. Let Me bring light into darkness to reveal all that you need to understand, says the Lord.
Matthew 6:27 "Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"
Week 49
Daar is soveel goedheid in die slegste van ons,en soveel boosheid in die beste tussen ons, dat daar werklik nie een is tussen ons, wat vinger kan wys na die res van ons. ~Anoniem ~
Week 50
Verse: Isaiah 43:16
'I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea.'
- The Lord is the One who can work a miracle in your situation.
- Obstacles that humans face are not a challenge to Him.
- He will make a way for you and He will create a path in your situation.
- Rest in Him and let Him lead you step by step and day by day.
PRAYER: Lord, I give You the situation that I am facing. Part the sea for me I pray and lead me through and on to the victory You have prepared for me. Amen.
Laat daar liefde wees, in dié wat geen liefde ken, laat die wat reeds liefhet,nou meer liefde wen. ~Vertaal deur Parnell ~
Week 52
Daily Bible Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:28
'God chose things despised by the world, things counted as nothing at all, and used them to bring to nothing what the world considers important.'
- The Lord uses the unlikely and the despised things for His glory.
- He sees things from a different perspective.
- The Lord did not use the great and the mighty, but choose fishermen.
- This means that we all qualify to be used by Him in a wonderful way.
PRAYER: Lord, what a joy it is to know that You can use me and use my life to expand and extend Your kingdom here on earth. Thank you for choosing me. Amen
O, Heer! U weet hoe besig ek vandagmoet wees: as ek van U vergeet, moet my tog nie vergeet nie.~Sir Jacob Astley ~
Week 54
Daily Bible Verse: Proverbs 15:15
'….the cheerful heart has a continual feast.'
- We should develop a cheerful, happy disposition.
- When sadness is allowed to take root, everything looks dark.
- When hope and thankfulness is alive within us, we can truly live.
- Life can be a ‘continual feast’ if our hearts are in a good way.
PRAYER: Lord, I choose to cultivate a cheerful heart. May I see the good in every situation and in every person, and may I know what it means to live life as a ‘continual feast’. Amen
Week 55
Ons het gefouteer... ons het die planne en begeertes van ons eie harte te veel nagestreef..
Daily Thought 29 February 2016
Isaiah 45:22
'Look to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.'
Sometimes we look in all the wrong places for the help we need.
We cannot look to ourselves for the help that we need.
We need to look beyond ourselves to the One who has the power to save.
He is the One to whom we must look, there is no other.
Prayer: Lord, today I choose not to look to anyone or anything else for the help I need, other than to You, the Lord, who is my hope and salvation. Amen.
Hy wat onderdanig is vrees geen val, hy wat beskeie is geen hoogmoed, hy wat nederig is kan totaal
vertrou op God om hom te behoed. ~John Bunuan ~
Week 58
Verse: Isaiah 12:2
'Surely God is my salvation; I will trust and not be afraid.'
- Everything changes the moment we place our trust in God.
- Let Him be the one you trust in, your refuge and your all.
- We should move from head-knowledge to trusting with our hearts.
- As we live in this way, fear does not need to be a part of our lives.
PRAYER: Lord, today I choose to move to a place of trusting You completely. I declare that I will trust in You and I will not be afraid. Amen.
Hy wat onderdanig is vrees geen val,hy wat beskeie is geen hoogmoed.
Hy wat nederig is kan totaal vertrou op God om hom te behoud. ~John Nunyan ~
Week 60
Verse: Psalm 103:12
'As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us.'
- Never doubt the magnitude of God's forgiveness towards you.
- It is the Lord who blots out our transgressions.
- He does not remember our sins but wants to remove them from us.
- Receive His forgiveness and walk in the forgiveness He gives.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the forgiveness You extend to me. My stains are washed by Your precious blood and I am cleansed from all unrighteousness. Amen.
Week 61
ons ploeg die velde, en strooi die goeie saad op die land, maar dit word gevoed en kry water
deur God se almagtige hand... ~Jane Campbell ~
Week 62
Verse: Acts 4:33
'With great power the apostles continued to testify to the resurrection of the Lord. And God's grace was so powerfully at work in them all.'
- You and I can continue to testify to the resurrection power in our lives.
- We can truly be alive because the Lord has paid the price for us.
- The result was that the power of God was powerfully at work.
- May the Lord's grace be powerfully at work in and through you.
PRAYER: Lord, may I live and walk in such a way that my life will be a demonstration of Your grace and power that is at work within me. Amen.
Week 63
Louwarmte beskou ek as 'n sonde - ewe groot in geloof as in liefde. ~Abraham Cowley ~
Week 64
Verse: Isaiah 43:16
'I am the Lord, who opened a way through the waters, making a dry path through the sea.'
- The Lord is the One who can work a miracle in your situation.
- Obstacles that humans face are not a challenge to Him.
- He will make a way for you and He will create a path in your situation.
- Rest in Him and let Him lead you step by step and day by day.
PRAYER: Lord, I give You the situation that I am facing. Part the sea for me I pray and lead me through and on to the victory You have prepared for me. Amen.
Met my oog gerig op God en die ewigheid besef ek ... dat ek geen haat of bitterheid
teenoor enigeen moet koester nie. ~Edith Cavell ~
Week 66
Isaiah 45:22
'Look to Me, and be saved, all the ends of the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.'
Sometimes we look in all the wrong places for the help we need.
We cannot look to ourselves for the help that we need.
We need to look beyond ourselves to the One who has the power to save.
He is the One to whom we must look, there is no other.
Prayer: Lord, today I choose not to look to anyone or anything else for the help I need, other than to You, the Lord, who is my hope and salvation. Amen.
Week 67
Een God, een wet, een element,en een veraf goddelike moment, wat die hele skepping aandryf Ãlfred, Lord Tennyson ~
Week 68
Daily Thought 26 February 2016
Proverbs 3:5
'Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.'
The Lord calls us from a place of self-reliance to a place of dependence on Him.
When we think we are wise we stand in a dangerous place.
We need to get to that place where we can completely trust Him.
Don't rest on your understanding, seek His.
Prayer: Lord, forgive me for thinking that I know what to do or which way to turn. I recognise that You know better than I do and I choose to rest in Your wisdom. Amen.
Week 69
"Waardig die Lam wat gesterf het", roep hul, roep hul, "so wonderbaar verhewe";
"Waardig die Lam" roep hul gul, "Geslag sodat ons kan lewe". ~Isaac Watts ~ ,
Week 70
John 15:15
'I no longer call you servants, because a servant does not know his master's business. Instead, I have called you friends.'
What a joy it is to know our Lord as a friend.
When last did you speak to this great Friend?
Fellowship with God is our privilege and delight.
Take every opportunity to connect with the One who is the lover of your soul.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for the special relationship that I can have with You, my loving Heavenly Father and my friend. Amen.
Week 71
Rots van alle Eeue, vir my gebreek, laat ek my in U versteek; laat die water en die bloed,
Gevloei uit U deurboorde sy, die greep van die sonde verbreek en my van sy skuld en krag bevry.
~ Montague Toplady ~
Week 72
Deuteronomy 33:27
'The eternal God is your refuge, and His everlasting arms are under you.'
Each one of us are being carried in His everlasting arms.
Knowing this allows us to weather any storms that come our way.
He will carry you, today and tomorrow and to the end.
Those same arms will carry us into His presence when we will see Him face to face.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for Your everlasting arms that carry and undergird me through the storms and challenges I face. Amen.
Week 73
Ons God
Week 74, ons hulp deur eeue heen, ons hoop vir heel die toekoms, ons beskuttingas die storms kreun,
'n Ewige tuiste vir ons. ~Isaac Watts ~
Psalm 30:11
'You turned my wailing into dancing; You removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy.'
The Lord can turn any situation around.
He can turn mourning and sorrow into joyful dancing.
He can take heaviness and depression and replace it with His joy.
Suddenly, in a moment, it can all change!
Prayer: Lord, I pray that You will come and turn the situation I am facing around. May I know what it means to see a miracle in front of my eyes and may I be filled with joy as a result. Amen.
Week 74
Psalm 36:9
'For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.'
The Lord should be our source and our fountain of life.
The ultimate source of all life is God.
He should be our fountain of hope and joy.
Find your fulfillment and your peace in Him and Him alone.
Prayer: Lord, I declare that You are my source and the very fountain of my life. May I know Your living water flowing in and through me I pray. Amen.
Week 75
Vandag is ek al tagtig jaar..God gee dat ek nie bly leef totdat ek nutteloos is nie. ~John Westsley
Week 76
Psalm 36:9
'For with You is the fountain of life; In Your light we see light.'
The Lord should be our source and our fountain of life.
The ultimate source of all life is God.
He should be our fountain of hope and joy.
Find your fulfillment and your peace in Him and Him alone.
Prayer: Lord, I declare that You are my source and the very fountain of my life. May I know Your living water flowing in and through me I pray. Amen.
Week 77
Van al die hartseer woorde wat kan hoor of lees, is die hartseerdste nog, "Dit sou kon wees!" ~Whitter~
Week 78
Psalm 95:1
'Oh come, let us sing to the Lord; let us make a joyful noise to the Rock of our salvation!'
Each day is another opportunity to celebrate.
We can choose to celebrate or we can complain and bemoan things.
Don't start the day on a negative footing.
Rejoice, believe for the best and expect His favour on your life.
Prayer: Lord, I choose to celebrate the opportunities You give me each and every day. May I know Your presence in my life from start to finish! Amen.
Week 79
Wees U my Leidsman en Bewaarder, as ek roep gee dat U luister; Laat my nie gly in diepe water,
Steun my as ek val in duister. ~Isaac Williams ~
Week 80
Matthew 11:28
'Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.'
Often we carry around heavy burdens and concerns.
In reality we dishonour our faith when we choose to walk this way.
Our Saviour has invited us to come to Him and to give Him our concerns.
He can carry with ease what is a weight and a burden to us.
Prayer: Lord, thank You that I can bring my issues, my worries and my concerns to You and I can place them in Your hands knowing that You can carry them for me. Amen.
Week 81
Here wie is die mens?
Hoekom het hy U so duur gekos? Wat het sy verval u ontneem?
Heer, wat is mens, dat U so duur moes betaal vie iete wat altyd faal? `Richard Crashaw ~
Week 82
Psalm 119:105
'Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.'
The Lord longs to lead you and to guide you.
We may not see the big picture, but He will show us the next step.
He is faithful to lead and guide those who look to Him to show them the way.
Let His word have the final authority in your life and in your choices.
Prayer: Lord, I pray that You will lead me and guide me and show me the direction I should take. May my path be lit with Your light and may my feet be guided by Your word. Amen.
Week 83
Die grote wêreld se altaarstrappe, wat deur die duisternis na God toe loop. ~Alfred~, Lord Tennyson
Week 84
'I have loved you with an everlasting love; Therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you and continued My faithfulness to you.'
You are dearly loved by your Heavenly Father.
In fact, His love for you is everlasting and not fleeting like human emotions.
In His love He is constantly reaching out to you and drawing you to Himself.
As we respond to His love and receive His embrace, we know His faithfulness.
Prayer: Lord, Your everlasting love for me is something I value and treasure. I respond to Your drawing and I receive Your embrace. Amen.
Week 85
Die dagbreekhet begin, soos die eerste môre
Die lyster het gesing soos die eerste voëltjie.
Lof vir die voëlgesang!
Lof want die breek aan!
Week 86
Daily Bible Verse: Ephesians 2:10 (Amplified Bible)
'We are His workmanship [His work of art], created in Christ [spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared for us beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].'
- What a joy it is to know that God has pre-prepared great things for us.
- He is always at work within us just as an artist works on his artwork.
- He has already created paths designed just for you to walk in.
- The Lord has a plan for every life that is fully submitted to Him.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the work that You are doing in my life. I want nothing other than Your perfect and complete plan, will and path for my life. Amen
Week 87
John 14:6
As ek die wonderbare kruis aanskou.
Waar die Prinsvan Gloriemoes hang
Wod my grootste wins as velies beskou,
En al my trots met veragting vervang. `Isaac Watts ~
Week 88
John 8:12
'I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.'
Our choice to follow God brings with it glorious consequences.
It is a giant leap into the very light that fills us with an eternal hope.
The result is that we NEVER need to walk in darkness again.
His light comes and changes everything it touches.
Prayer: Lord, today I choose afresh to follow You. Give me the faith I need to step out of the darkness and cause me to live in Your glorious light today, and forever. Amen.
Week 89
soos 'n Vader versorg en behoed Hy ons;
hy weet hoe swak en nietig is ek...
Prys Hom1 Prys Hom! so wyd soos sy genade strek. `henry Francis Lyte ~
Week 90
Ecclesiastes 3:14 (Lexham English Bible)
'I know everything God does endures forever; nothing can be added to it, and nothing can be taken from it, for God so acts that humans might stand in awe before Him.'
The Lord does not act according to the whims and fancies of man.
He is the supreme and sovereign God.
Humanity may think it can do as it pleases, but the will of God stands forever.
This is a foundation we can stand on in the storms and insecurities of life.
Prayer: Lord, I stand, yes I stand in awe of You and of Your greatness and Your sovereignty. I know that every word You have spoken endures forever. Amen.
Week 91
Ek hou nie mense wat nog nooit geval of gestruikel het nie.Hulle deug is leweloos en sonder waarde.
Die lewe het nog nie sy volle skoonheid aan hulle onthul nie. ~Boris Pasternak ~
Week 92
Psalm 106:8
'He saved them - to defend the honour of His name and to demonstrate His mighty power.'
The Lord wants to work in your situation as a demonstration of His mighty power.
He wants to intervene and save us simply because He is God.
We may fail Him but He has no intention of failing us.
He will defend the honour of His name and work wonders.
Prayer: Lord, may Your mighty power be demonstrated in my situation so that others will know that You are God and there is no one like You. Amen.
Om saam te bid,in welke taal of ritueel, is die teerste broederskap van hoop
en medelye wat mense in hierdie lewe kan sluit ~Madame de Stael ~
Week 94
1 Samuel 12:22
'For the sake of His great name the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pelased to make you His own.'
The Lord has not and will not reject or abandon you.
He will never reject His own sons and daughters.
As His child you belong to Him.
Rest assured today that you belong to God and He is your Father.
Prayer: Lord, I rest secure, now and always, in the great knowledge that I belong to You and You will in no way abandon, reject or leave me. Amen.
Hoe kan 'n jong mens sy lewe skoon hou?
as hy leef soos U gesê het. ~Psalm ~119:9 ~
Week 96
1 Peter 2:9
'....for He called you out of the darkness into His wonderful light.'
The Lord is the One who calls out to us in our darkness.
He comes to exchange darkness with His wonderful light.
He has called us out of the darkness of ignorance and sin.
Those who walk in His light experience something of His wonder and glory.
Prayer: Lord, today I step away from the darkness. I hear Your call and I respond, and I step into Your wonderful light. Amen.
Hy het gebid vir krag sodat hy kan presteer;
Hy is swak gemaak sodat hy kan gehoorsaam ~
Week 98
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 118:27
'The LORD is God, and He has made His light shine on us.'
- The Lord has caused His face to shine upon you.
- His desire is that you would know His light in your heart and life.
- His light shines bright even in the darkest night.
- His light will guide, comfort and sustain you.
PRAYER: Lord, let Your light, the light of Your face shine on me. May I walk in Your light and in the process may I know the assurance that You have saved me and You have given me life. Amen
Week 99
Hy het vir rykdom gebid sodat hy gelukkig kan wees;
Hy het armoede ontvang sodat hy verstandig ksn wees...
Sy gebed is verhoor - hy is ryklik geseën. ~OuteurOnbekend ~
John 14:6
'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.'
These are the very words of our Saviour.
He is reminding us that He is the way, truth and life.
In Christ we can find our way, know the truth and enjoy life.
There is no shortcut because He is the only way and the only door.
Prayer: Lord, thank You for another beautiful day. I come to You today, because You are the way, the truth and the life and I recognise that I need You. Amen.
Week 101
Mense is slegs in Christus vry en hulle bly vry, selfs in boeie. ~Fedreich von Schiller ~
Week 102
Ongeloof is blind..geloof sien in die donker! John Milton ~