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[Dankie aan Tommy Roselt vir die dagstukkies wat hy so getrou vir my e-pos. Ek deel dit weer op my beurt met die besoekers van hierdie blog. Op 'n stadium was hierdie die mees gelese bladsy. Ek het toe besluit om dit in meer hanteerbare eenhede te verdeel, sodat dit makliker kan lees. Deel 1 gaan tot by week 180. Besoek gerus "Gedagte vir die week: Deel 2" hier. Schalk Pienaar]
Week 1:
Stap die nuwe jaar tegemoet vol verwagtings en drome om 'n duidelike verskil te maak.
Week 2:
A strong friendship doesn't need daily conversation, doesn't always need togetherness, as long as the relationship lives in the heart, true friends will never part...
Week 3:
Baie nuwejaarswense verwag van ons vir 2015, Job se geduld, Salomo se wysheid en Paulus se ywer. Kom ons as lesers van die blog en gemeentelede van Dutoitspan en die res van die land vermy en skram in 2015 weg van Eva se ongehoorsaamheid, Kain se jaloesie en bloedlus, Noag se dronkenskap, Jakob se skelmstreke, Aäron se afgodsverleiding, Jona se opdragontduiking, Simson se brandstigting, Saul se haatdraendheid, Dawid se wellustigheid en beplande moord, Herodus se kindermishandeling, Judas se geldgierigheid, Petrus se waarheidsontkenning en Pilatus se korrupte wetstoepassing.
Wat 'n wonderlike en aangename gemeente sal Dutoitspan nie wees om by te woon nie.
[AL Esterhuyse - Kurumann]
Week 4:
Families that eat together, stay together.
[Coba Swart - councillor FAMSA]
Week 5:
Noem my
op my naam...
Dit is my biografie. My handtekening in die
In my naam lê opgesluit my storie en die
storie van
my mense.
Dit vertel wie ek is, waar ek vandaan kom, van
hartstog en my hartseer.
My naam is my erfenis, die direkte lyn na my
bloedsverbond met my familie.
My naam plaas my in konteks en tog sonder dit my
ook uit.
As simbool van my uniekheid, is my naam my
Net klanke, letters aanmekaar geslaan en
hou my naam 'n krag veel groter as wat ek
somtyds besef.
My naam gee betekenis aan my as mens.
Noem my op my naam en jy erken my menswees,
my reg tot bestaan, my reg tot respek.
My naam is die vlagpaal van my
Daarsonder is ek 'n niks, 'n iemand, 'n
een sonder plek of posisie.
Maar Godgegewe en onveranderlik is my naam my
Solank as wat ek daaraan vasklou kan jy my nie
of ontneem van dit wat wat tereg myne is nie.
(Onbekend - oorgeneem)
Week 6:
Life is the most difficult exam. Many people fail because they try to copy others, not realizing that everyone has a different question paper!
Week 7:
Daagliks kom daar uitdagings op jou pad, maar jy moet dit altyd as 'n geleentheid sien om te groei.
[Pierre Spies - rugbyspeler]
Big shots are only little shots that keep shooting. [Christopher Morley]
Mense vergelyk ander mense soms met diere. Of met vrugte. So kry jy jou “buffels” of “trapsuutjies”. Jou “harde koejawels” of “suur pruime”. Persoonlik voel ek dat die mensdom met lekkergoed vergelyk kan word. Daar is ‘n oneidigheid in kleur, smaak, tekstuur en verpakking.
So kry jy jou malvalekker-mense. Sag van binne en buite. Jou jellie-lekkergoed-mense en paaseier-mense val ook in hierdie kategorie. Hulle is egter die tipe lekker wat jy met ekstra versigtigheid hanteer. Los jy hulle in die Noord-Kaap son, raak hulle hard van buite, maar dalk nog effens sag van binne. Stel jy hulle te lank aan negatiewe elemente bloot, raak hulle binnekante uiteindelik ook hard. Amper oneetbaar.
Dan kry jy jou nikkerbal- en gekookte lekkers-mense. So hard van binne soos van buite. Onwrikbaar. Jy hou van hulle. Of jy hou nie van hulle nie. En visa versa. Hulle verrig die onmoontlike in moeilike tye. Hulle is wie hulle is en maak gewoonlik geen geheim daarvan nie. Mens wonder soms hoe hulle voorbereidingsproses moes wees om so hard aan die ander kant uit te kom.
Ons kry ook die wit-eier-mense. Jy het amper ‘n mes nodig om die buitenste dop te breek, maar dit is waar die hardheid ophou. Binne wag ‘n soet sjokoladelaag wat smelt in jou mond. Die geheim is om nie op te gee op hierdie mense nie. Al lyk dit op die oog af nie so nie, smag hulle daarna dat jy deur die klipharde dop breek en uitvind wat werklik in hulle binneste aangaan. Jy kry ook die teenoorgestelde – die sagte sjokoladelaag buite en ‘n harde neut aan die binnekant. Op die oog af sag, maar jy vind baie vinnig uit dat dit is waar die sagtheid ophou.
Natuurlik is daar jou sjokolade-mense. Mense wie jy opsoek wanneer jy troos nodig het. Dit is gewoonlik iemand na aan jou. Wanneer jy hulle in die Noord-Kaap son los, verloor hulle hulle vorm, maar nie hulle smaak nie. Gee jy hulle ‘n tydjie om af te koel, is hulle weer eetbaar.
Dan is daar die legio ander lekkergoed-mense. Die toffies en die suigstokkies. Die kougom en die sherbet. Die suurwurms en die sout-drop.
Soos alles in die lewe moet ons versigtig wees om nie ‘n lekkergoed bloot op sy verpakking te beoordeel nie. Soms is dit die aangenaamste lekker wat uit die onopvallendste verpakking te voorskyn kom. Soms is daar die teleurstelling van ‘n ongelooflike verpakking met ‘n nie so smaaklike lekker daar binne nie.
Volgens my, wat al in vier provinsies gewoon het, is die mense van sentraal Suid-Afrika, maar veral die Noord-Kaap, my gunsteling lekkergoed-mense. Hulle gasvryheid en omgee in swaar tye oortref enige ander provinsie se lekkergoed-mense.
Almal van ons is uniek. Ons verskille maak die lewe interessant en ons vul mekaar aan, al voel dit nie altyd so nie.
Watter tipe lekkergoed-mens is jy?
[Karin Muller: Noordkaap 2014-04-22]
Week 10:
Week 11:
We do not stop playing because we grow old.
We grow old because we stop playing.
NEVER Be The First To Get Old!
Week 11:
[Janine Bevolo-Manders]
Week 12:
Week 14:
Week 15:
* Meeste mense struikel oor die waarheid sonder om te besef dit was die waarheid.
Week 12:
"No, God does not need us to love Him.
But oh, how we need to love God! For what we love determines what we seek. What
we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we
are—and who we will become."
[Dieter F. Uchtdorf, "The
Love of God"]
Week 13:
Party dae kom mens by die werk aan en jy voel
mismoedig, geïrriteerd met die kinders en die medekollegas.
Jy kom werk toe met hartseer en pyn, met geen
lus vir die dag nie! Dit het al met ons almal gebeur.
MAAR, dan is daar altyd daardie IEMAND...
IEMAND wat 'n simpel grappie vertel,
IEMAND wat 'n mooi boodskap in die oggende in
jou gedagtes los,
IEMAND wat jou oorval met positiwiteit,
IEMAND wat altyd lag,
IEMAND wat 'n storie vertel, wat jou probleme
klein laat voel,
IEMAND wat jou pyn raaksien en aan jou dink,
IEMAND wat jou beter laat voel!!
Jy was al daardie IEMAND vir 'n kollega! Dankie daarvoor!
Week 14:
"There is room for improvement in every life. Regardless of our occupations, regardless of our circumstances, we can improve ourselves and while so doing have an effect on the lives of those about us."
[Gordon B. Hinckley, "Each a Better Person"]* Meeste mense struikel oor die waarheid sonder om te besef dit was die waarheid.
* ‘n Mens verstaan waarheid veel makliker as om dit te ontdek.
* Die waarheid sal beter doen met ‘n wag voor die mond.
* Iemand wat die waarheid ken se mond kan nie gesnoer word nie.
* Leuens kan mooi voorkom, maar waarheid is die mooiste.
* ‘n Halwe waarheid is ‘n groot leuen.
* Waarheid sonder konteks is hoogs gevaarlik.
* Waarheid begin meestal met eerlikheid.
* Hoe meer nederigheid, hoe meer waarheid en anders om.
* Wanneer ‘n mens onseker is, vertel die waarheid.
* Die hoogste waarheid is verhef bokant woorde.
* Eers ignoreer baie mense ‘n waarheid, dan lag hulle daaroor en uiteindelik beweer hulle dat hulle dit altyd geweet het.
* Die grootste vyand van waarheid is om dit nie te ontken nie, maar die illusies daarvan nie te besef nie.
* Waarheid en skeptisisme is ‘n tweeling.
Week 16
Week 17
Mag die son, die maan en die sterretjies
altyd oor julle glans
en die voëltjies, die bokketjies en die vlindertjies
altyd voor julle
op julle se voetpaadjies dans.
Week 18
Week 19
Wanneer ek vra na God se wil vir my lewe moet ek elke geslote deur ook as deel van Sy plan vir my lewe aanvaar
Week 20
'Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.'
Week 21
Hoop dans in die reënpoele rond totdat die son weer skyn .
Week 22
Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:8 (Phillips Translation)
'He will keep you steadfast in the faith to the end, so that when His day comes you need fear no condemnation.'
- The Lord, Himself, is with you to steady you and keep you on track.
- He is your conqueror and He will cause you to walk in victory.
- Don't fear; rather believe in His hand on your life.
- He will continue to give you the strength you need.
PRAYER: Lord, You know my inward battles. You know the challenges I face and I thank You that You undertake to carry and sustain me. Amen.
Week 23
Om te leef is raar, die meeste mense bestaan slegs!
* Die waarheid sal beter doen met ‘n wag voor die mond.
* Iemand wat die waarheid ken se mond kan nie gesnoer word nie.
* Leuens kan mooi voorkom, maar waarheid is die mooiste.
* ‘n Halwe waarheid is ‘n groot leuen.
* Waarheid sonder konteks is hoogs gevaarlik.
* Waarheid begin meestal met eerlikheid.
* Hoe meer nederigheid, hoe meer waarheid en anders om.
* Wanneer ‘n mens onseker is, vertel die waarheid.
* Die hoogste waarheid is verhef bokant woorde.
* Eers ignoreer baie mense ‘n waarheid, dan lag hulle daaroor en uiteindelik beweer hulle dat hulle dit altyd geweet het.
* Die grootste vyand van waarheid is om dit nie te ontken nie, maar die illusies daarvan nie te besef nie.
* Waarheid en skeptisisme is ‘n tweeling.
Week 16
take a look at this… 101%
From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:
What Equals 100%?
What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?
Ever wonder about those people who say they
are giving more than 100%?
We have all been in situations where someone
wants you to GIVE OVER 100%.
How about ACHIEVING 101%?
What equals 100% in life?
Here’s a little mathematical formula that
might help answer these questions:
Is represented as:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26.
H-A-R-D-W-O-R- K
8+1+18+4+23+15+18+11 = 98%
11+14+15+23+12+5+4+7+5 = 96%
1+20+20+9+20+21+4+5 = 100%
THEN, look how far the love of God will take
12+15+22+5+15+6+7+15+4 = 101%
Therefore, one can conclude with mathematical
certainty that:
While Hard
Work and Knowledge will get you
and Attitude
will get you there,
It’s the Love
of God that will put you over the top!
[Oorgeneem: internet]
Week 17
Mag die son, die maan en die sterretjies
altyd oor julle glans
en die voëltjies, die bokketjies en die vlindertjies
altyd voor julle
op julle se voetpaadjies dans.
Week 18
He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them
and blessed them.'
- The Lord wants to come and take you in His arms.
- Let Him put His arms around you today.
- May you feel His love and presence in a special way!
- May you know that because He is in your life, you are blessed!
PRAYER: Lord, as Your child, I pray that You will surround me with Your love and that Your hand of blessing will rest on my life. Amen.
- Let Him put His arms around you today.
- May you feel His love and presence in a special way!
- May you know that because He is in your life, you are blessed!
PRAYER: Lord, as Your child, I pray that You will surround me with Your love and that Your hand of blessing will rest on my life. Amen.
Week 19
Wanneer ek vra na God se wil vir my lewe moet ek elke geslote deur ook as deel van Sy plan vir my lewe aanvaar
Week 20
'Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us.'
- As children of God, His power is at work in us.
- Because His power is at work in us, much more can be achieved.
- When He empowers us awesome things can happen.
- May He empower you and do through you more than could have been imagined.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that Your power is at work within me. Amen.
- Because His power is at work in us, much more can be achieved.
- When He empowers us awesome things can happen.
- May He empower you and do through you more than could have been imagined.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that Your power is at work within me. Amen.
Week 21
Hoop dans in die reënpoele rond totdat die son weer skyn .
Week 22
Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:8 (Phillips Translation)
'He will keep you steadfast in the faith to the end, so that when His day comes you need fear no condemnation.'
- The Lord, Himself, is with you to steady you and keep you on track.
- He is your conqueror and He will cause you to walk in victory.
- Don't fear; rather believe in His hand on your life.
- He will continue to give you the strength you need.
PRAYER: Lord, You know my inward battles. You know the challenges I face and I thank You that You undertake to carry and sustain me. Amen.
Week 23
Om te leef is raar, die meeste mense bestaan slegs!
Week 24
Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:3
'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, the Father of compassions, and God of all encouragement....'
- He is the source of all the compassion and mercy you long for.
- Within our human frame is the hope that we will receive compassion.
- We all make mistakes and secretly we hope we will receive compassion.
- HE comes and gives us this unlimited compassion.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your compassion towards me. I recognise that You are the source of the compassion I need each day and I receive it afresh today. Amen.
Week 25'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, the Father of compassions, and God of all encouragement....'
- He is the source of all the compassion and mercy you long for.
- Within our human frame is the hope that we will receive compassion.
- We all make mistakes and secretly we hope we will receive compassion.
- HE comes and gives us this unlimited compassion.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your compassion towards me. I recognise that You are the source of the compassion I need each day and I receive it afresh today. Amen.
Die persoon
wat jou te na kom, is ook besig om jou 'n les te leer. Respekteer hom ten
minste daarvoor. [Leon Brown]
Week 26
Week 26
Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:3
'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, the Father of compassions, and God of all encouragement....'
- He is the source of all the compassion and mercy you long for.
- Within our human frame is the hope that we will receive compassion.
- We all make mistakes and secretly we hope we will receive compassion.
- HE comes and gives us this unlimited compassion.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your compassion towards me. I recognize that You are the source of the compassion I need each day and I receive it. Afresh Tod
Week 27
'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, the Father of compassions, and God of all encouragement....'
- He is the source of all the compassion and mercy you long for.
- Within our human frame is the hope that we will receive compassion.
- We all make mistakes and secretly we hope we will receive compassion.
- HE comes and gives us this unlimited compassion.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your compassion towards me. I recognize that You are the source of the compassion I need each day and I receive it. Afresh Tod
Week 27
Ver weg in
die sonskyn is my hoogste aspirasies. Ek sal hul dalk nie bereik nie, maar ek
kan na hulle opkyk en hulle prag sien, in hulle glo en probeer gaan waar hulle
my lei. - Louisa
May Alcott -
Week 28
There is nothing better than people praying for you. We're not getting older, just getting closer to home!
Week 29
There is nothing better than people praying for you. We're not getting older, just getting closer to home!
The instructions are to pick four people you want God to bless. I pick you. Please pass this to at least four people you want to pray for. This prayer is powerful, and prayer is one of the best gifts we receive. There is no cost but a lot of rewards. Let's always pray for one another!
The prayer:
Father, Thank You for each and every day You have blessed us here on earth.
Thank You for Your tender mercies.
Thank You for giving us friends and family to share joys and sorrows with.
I ask You to bless my friends, relatives, brothers and sisters in Christ and those I care deeply for, who are reading this right now.
Where there is joy, give them continued joy,
Where there is pain or sorrow, give them your peace and mercy.
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence.
Where there is need, fulfill their needs.
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.
In Jesus' name.
The prayer:
Father, Thank You for each and every day You have blessed us here on earth.
Thank You for Your tender mercies.
Thank You for giving us friends and family to share joys and sorrows with.
I ask You to bless my friends, relatives, brothers and sisters in Christ and those I care deeply for, who are reading this right now.
Where there is joy, give them continued joy,
Where there is pain or sorrow, give them your peace and mercy.
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence.
Where there is need, fulfill their needs.
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.
In Jesus' name.
Die mens
wat standvastig op die Allerhoogste vertrou, staan kragtig in sy krag, wys in
sy wysheid, gelukkig in sy geluk. - Joseph Addison -
Week 30
Verse: Matthew 5:12
'Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.'
- We know that life is so much more than our earthly existence.
- There is another dimension and there is our future hope.
- So don't allow earthly cares to undermine your eternal destiny.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be so earthly minded that I forget about my great future in You. Amen
- We have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice about.
Week 31
'n Mens wat strewe na wraak, hou sy eie wonde vars. - Francis Bacon -
Week 32
Verse: Matthew 5:12
'Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.'
- We have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice about.
- We know that life is so much more than our earthly existence.
- There is another dimension and there is our future hope.
- So don't allow earthly cares to undermine your eternal destiny.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be so earthly minded that I forget about my great future in You. Amen
Week 33
En julle moet onthou dat Ek elke dag by julle sal wees tot die einde van die wêreld toe.
- Matteus 28:20 -
Week 34
Verse: Matthew 5:12
'Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.'
- We have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice about.
- We know that life is so much more than our earthly existence.
- There is another dimension and there is our future hope.
- So don't allow earthly cares to undermine your eternal destiny.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be so earthly minded that I forget about my great future in You. Amen
God sê Ïemand wat My liefhet, sal Ek verlos,Ek sal hom beskerm... - Psalm 91:14 -
Verse: Matthew 5:12
'Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.'
- We have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice about.
- We know that life is so much more than our earthly existence.
- There is another dimension and there is our future hope.
- So don't allow earthly cares to undermine your eternal destiny.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be so earthly minded that I forget about my great future in You. Amen
Week 37
Maar die mens moet weet dat in hierdie verhoogstuk van die lewe dit is slegs vir God en die engele bestem is om toeskouers te wees. - Francis Bacon -
Week 38
Verse: Proverbs 15:9 (NIV)
'The Lord detests the way of the wicked, but He loves those who pursue righteousness.'
- Doing the right thing is not always easy, but it is always the best.
- The Lord loves those who endeavor to do what is right.
- The lifestyle of the wicked is detestable to the Lord.
- So let us choose to do what is right and what pleases God.
PRAYER: Lord, help me in all my choices to do what honours and pleases You. Amen.
Week 39
Lank gelede in die Dawidstad
Was 'n nederige stad geleé,
En het 'n moeder haar nuwe baba
In 'n krip laat lê gedwee:
Maria was dié moeder fyn,
Jesus Christus haar Kindjie klein.
~ Cecil Frances Alexander ~
Week 40
Verse: Proverbs 15:9 (NIV)
'The Lord detests the way of the wicked, but He loves those who pursue righteousness.'
- Doing the right thing is not always easy, but it is always the best.
- The Lord loves those who endeavor to do what is right.
- The lifestyle of the wicked is detestable to the Lord.
- So let us choose to do what is right and what pleases God.
PRAYER: Lord, help me in all my choices to do what honours and pleases You. Amen.
Week 41
Deugsaamheid is soos 'n waardevolle steen:
op sy mooiste eenvoudig geset. -Francis Bacon -
Week 42
Verse: John 14:20 (NIV)
'I am in my Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.'
- The Lord wants His involvement in our lives to be a reality.
- As a child of God you are a part of Him.
- And He wants to live within you day by day.
- The Lord wants to be with you and in you.
PRAYER: Lord, I open up my heart and life to You right now. May I know what it means to be in You and may You be a living reality in me. Amen.
Week 43
Tussen die armes nederig, gewoon
Het ons Verlosser die aarde bewoon. -Cecil Francis Alexander -
Week 44
There is nothing better than people praying for you. We're not getting older, just getting closer to home!
The prayer:
Week 45
Dankie Heer dat U by my bly
dat U Woord en Gees my ook lei
U is my Vader U is my Heer
graag wil ek lewe soos U my leer
Week 46
Today I am so grateful that God knows my heart.
Others may misunderstand my good intentions,
judge my words or deeds, find fault, or blame what they truly do not understand.
BUT GOD knows my heart, He knows I am learning,
trying, endeavoring , to be all life created me to do.
Week 47
Sonder geloof kan 'n mens niks vermag nie;
met geloof is alle dinge moontlik. - Sir William Osler -
Week 48
Verse: Psalm 91:1 (NIV)
'Whoever dwells (lives) in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.'
- Stay as close to the Lord as you possibly can.
- It is as we live within His shadow that we can know His rest.
- When we live like this we can have rest on every front.
- Loving faith on man's part will be met by faithful love on HIS part.
PRAYER: Lord, cause me to live within the shelter that You provide for me. I pray that I will not wonder off and remove myself from Your love and protection. Amen.
Week 49
Alle dinge mooi en vrolik,
Alle skepsels klein en groot,
Alle dinge wys en wonderlik,
Die Here God bring alles voort. - Cecil Francis Alexander -
Week 50
Verse: Psalm 90:1 (NLT)
'Lord, through all the generations you have been our home (our dwelling place)!'
- It is only in God that we can truly find home.
- In Him we can find the sense of belonging that we all long for.
- The generations that have gone before us discovered this for themselves.
- Now all that remains is for you and me to discover this for ourselves.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that in You I can find where I belong. In You I find my dwelling place, my refuge and my place of protection. Amen.
Week 51
Tot in Ewigheid sal ek 'n loflied aan U bring,
Voorwaar! Die ewigheid is te kort Om U grootheid te besing. - Joseph Addison
Week 52
Verse: Isaiah 55:2
'Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?'
- Every moment we have is a gift from the Lord.
- We should not waste our time, energy and resources on things of no value.
- We should rather focus on that which has real and enduring value.
- Make every moment count and use it for His glory.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be consumed with things that have little or no long term value. May I take advantage of the time You have given me so that I can focus on those things that have eternal value. Amen. -
Week 53
Die ryk man in sy kasteel,
Die arm man by sy hekpaal,
God het elk, hoog of laag, gemaak,
En ook hul stand bepaal. - Cecil Francis Alexander -
Week 54
Verse: Isaiah 43:11
'I alone am the Lord, and there is no saviour except Me.'
- We have a Saviour and He is the one true living God.
- He loved us enough to die for us.
- Some may say that all roads lead to God.
- But there is only One and He wants to be your Saviour and friend.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for what You have done for me. I receive Your forgiveness and I declare that You are my Saviour. Amen.
Week 55
Voor ek aan die slaap kan raak,
Bid ek dat God oor my sal waak.
Sou ek sterf voor ek opstaan,
Hoop ek my siel sal na God gaan. - Anoniem -
Week 56
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Colossians 1:11 (Phillips)
'We pray that you will be strengthened from God's boundless resources, so that you will find yourselves able to pass through any experience and endure it with courage.'
- The experiences of life that we pass through are not always easy.
- BUT with His help we can endure and pass the tests.
- Out of His boundless resources we can be strengthened.
- May HE give you all the power that you need.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the 'boundless resources' from which I can draw in order that I can pass through the experiences of life and come out victorious. Amen.
Week 57
Hy is die toonbeeld van ons jeug dag vir dag gegroei soos ons,
Hy was klein, swak en hulpeloos,
Hy 't ook geglimlag en gefrons en Hy deel in ons verdriet
En wil ons vreugdes ook geniet. - Cecil Frances Alexander -
Week 58
Here is your word for today:
Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:8 (Phillips Translation)
'He will keep you steadfast in the faith to the end, so that when His day comes you need fear no condemnation.'
- The Lord, Himself, is with you to steady you and keep you on track.
- He is your conqueror and He will cause you to walk in victory.
- Don't fear; rather believe in His hand on your life.
- He will continue to give you the strength you need.
PRAYER: Lord, You know my inward battles. You know the challenges I face and I thank You that You undertake to carry and sustain me. Amen
Week 59
Mag God in my kop wees; En in my insig; Mag God in my oë wees,
Mag God in my mond wees; En in my taal; Mag God in my hart wees; En my denke bepaal;
Mag God by my einde wees; En by my begin. - Anoniem -
Week 60
Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:8 (Phillips Translation)
'He will keep you steadfast in the faith to the end, so that when His day comes you need fear no condemnation.'
- The Lord, Himself, is with you to steady you and keep you on track.
- He is your conqueror and He will cause you to walk in victory.
- Don't fear; rather believe in His hand on your life.
- He will continue to give you the strength you need.
PRAYER: Lord, You know my inward battles. You know the challenges I face and I thank You that You undertake to carry and sustain me. Amen
Week 61
Matteus, Lukas, Johannes, Markus, geseënd is die bed waarop ek rus.
Vier engele langs my bed, vier engele waarop ek let en een wat vra,
En twee wat my siel weg sal dra. - Anoniem -
Week 62
Verse: Jeremiah 51:11
'Sharpen the arrows, take up the shields!'
- In the course of life we face many battles.
- The Lord has given us the weapons we need to overcome.
- We must always be alert and prepared to fight the good fight.
- Take up your position with God and remember you are destined in win.
PRAYER: Lord, in the battles that I am facing, I choose to remain close to You. Help me not to be caught unawares but may I be equipped and ready so that I can walk in victory. Amen.
Week 63
Heer, ek het my hoop op u gevestig, ek sal nie vir ewig tot niet gaan nie.
- Book of Common Prayer - ( Anglikaanse kerk)
Week 64
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Exodus 33:17
'The Lord said to Moses, 'I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.'
- God wants to extend His favour towards you.
- Let us live our lives in such a way that it is pleasing to Him.
- Let us trust Him with the very desires of our hearts.
- Let us know Him and be known by Him.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You know me by name. I know that You have wonderful things planned for me. May I live my life in a way that pleases You. Amen.
Week 65
Dit is U wat my lei en my raad gee en my uiteindelik met eer sal ontvang.
- Psalm 73:24 -
Week 66
Verse: Isaiah 45:3
'I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord who summons (calls) you by name.'
- God has got hidden treasures and secret riches.
- These are things you could never have dreamt of or imagined.
- Don't be limited by what you think God can do.
- Believe that He has knowledge of things yet to be discovered.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You know all things. You know what I will need even though I have not yet realized it. I will trust You in all these things. Amen.
Week 67
Vir dié wat 'n vaste voorneme het, sal U vrede gee, Here, omdat hulle op U vertrou.- Jesja 26:3-
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 41:9
'I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you.'
- God has chosen you for His own special purpose.
- He wants to use you and in the process give your life purpose.
- He has NOT rejected or abandoned you in any way.
- Give yourself and your life to Him and He will use you.
PRAYER: Lord, I give myself to You today. I want to be your servant and it is my heart's desire to be used by You. Here I am Lord, use me. Amen.
Week 69
God en die natuur doen niks tervergeefs nie. - Aristoteles -
Week 70
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Psalm 130:2
'Lord, hear my voice. Let Your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.'
- The Lord is the One to turn to for the relief you are looking for.
- He is the One who hears and listens to our cries for help.
- Perhaps you think He doesn't hear, but He always does.
- In His time and in His way He always answers.
PRAYER: O Lord, hear my voice and may Your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy and help. Amen.
Week 71
Vertrou geheel en en al op die Here en moenie op jou eie insig staatmaak nie
Hou Hom in gedagte by elke ding wat jy doen, dan sal Hy sorg dat jou lewe reg verloop.
- Spreuke 3:5,6 -
Week 72
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 49:1
'The Lord called me before my birth; from within the womb He called me by name.'
- The Lord has a plan and purpose with your life, today and forever.
- There is nothing about your life that is an accident.
- He knows your name and He is at work within you.
- Let Him use you and your life will have a sense of purpose.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You have called me by name. You know me and I trust You with my life and my future. Amen.
Week 73
Ons het gefouteer.... En ons het ons eie belange en hartsbegeertes te veel nagestreef...
Ons het dié dinge wat ons moes doen nagelaat;
En dié dinge wat ons eerder moes nalaat wel gedoen..
vergeef ons ons oortredinge.. - Oggendgebed -
Week 74
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 49:2
'He has hidden me in the shadow of His hand.'
- There is a place close to God that is reserved for you.
- He wants you to live within the shadow of His hand.
- There you will find the protection you need from your enemies.
- There you will find His presence and know His companionship.
PRAYER: Lord, may I live within the shadow of Your hand. May I know what it means to be hidden and protected under Your mighty hand. Amen.
Week 75
'n Mens kry slegs een lewe en een dood. Een hemel en een hel. - Robert Browning -
Week 76
Verse: Psalm 130:4
'But with You (Lord) there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve You.'
- God doesn't want anything to come between Him and us.
- So He offers us forgiveness and release.
- His forgiveness is available to you right now.
- As a result you can be free to serve Him with all your heart.
PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for the things that I have done that have displeased You. May I walk in the freedom and liberty that You offer me all the days of my life. Amen.
Week 77
Ons weet dat God alles wat gebeur, laat saamwerk tot ons voordeel as ons Hom liefhet,
want God het ons geroep omdat Hy vooraf so besluit het. - Rom 8:28 -
Week 78
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Psalm 130:5
'I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope.'
- Waiting for the Lord to act, is an act of faith.
- Delay does not mean denial.
- Trust Him with your whole being.
- Hold onto His Word and confidently look forward.
PRAYER: Lord, I put my hope and confidence in You today. I will hold on to Your Word and I will continue to trust and believe what You have spoken. Amen.
Week 79
Hy stuur sneeu in die winter, die warmte wat graan laat gedy,
Die briese en die sonskyn. En verfrissende reën daarby. - Jane Campbell -
Week 80
Latest Daily Thought
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 130:5
'I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope.'
- Waiting for the Lord to act, is an act of faith.
- Delay does not mean denial.
- Trust Him with your whole being.
- Hold onto His Word and confidently look forward.
PRAYER: Lord, I put my hope and confidence in You today. I will hold on to Your Word and I will continue to trust and believe what You have spoken. Amen.
Week 81
Om nader aan God te wandel,
'n Kalm en hemelse kring;
'n Lig wat op my pad kan skyn
En my na die Lam toe bring! - William Cowper -
Week 84
Romans 5:3 (Amplified Bible)
‘Moreover let us also be full of joy now!’
- Often we want something to happen to make us happy.
– We want circumstances to be perfect before we rejoice.
– This seldom happens in life.
– The secret is to enjoy what we have NOW!
– God will take care of the rest!
PRAYER: Lord, I choose to be full of joy for what I have now and I will confidently trust You for what I still need.
Week 83
Praat met Hom, want Hy hoor,
en Gees kan gees ontmoet -
Nader is Hy as 'n asemteug,
en nader as hand en voet. - Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 84
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 30:18
'The Lord earnestly waits, expecting, looking, and longing to be gracious to YOU.'
- God is longing to be kind to you.
- God is a good God and He wants to be good to you.
- We must begin to believe this.
- We must live with an expectation that God will be good to us.
PRAYER: Lord, I am sorry that I have doubted You. Thank You for Your kindness towards me. I will anticipate Your blessing and favour on my life. Amen.
Week 85
Bid vir my siel. Baie meer word deur gebed vermag as wat
hierdie wêreld kan droom... laat jou stem soos 'n fontein
vir my opgaan nag en dag.. - Alfred, lord Tennyson -
Week 86
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Proverbs 16:7
'When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies live at peace with him.'
- Endeavoring to please God is a good thing.
- As we please Him He makes a way for us.
- As we live a life that pleases Him, He gives us favor.
- When we have His favor any situation can change.
PRAYER: Lord, may my ways be pleasing in Your sight. May I live a life that brings You praise and honour. Amen.
Week 87
Met u het die dood skoonheid
n. - aan sy duisternes verleen. -Alfred Lord Tennyson -
Week 88
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 49:1
'The Lord called me before my birth; from within the womb He called me by name.'
- The Lord has a wonderful plan and purpose for each of our lives.
- He has planted within each of us a seed of destiny.
- His desire is that our lives would be useful in His hands.
- So give your life to Him and see how He will use you.
PRAYER: Lord, it is my desire that You would use my life and that as a result the destiny and purpose You planted within me will become a reality. Amen.
Week 89
As jy die kruis blymoedig dra, dra ek saam met jou. - Thomas A Kempis -
Week 90
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 49:2
'He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of His hand He hid me; He made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in His quiver.'
- The Lord will give you the words to say.
- He will protect and keep you safe.
- He will cause you to be effective and relevant.
- And when the time is right, He will use you beyond what you thought.
PRAYER: Lord, may I be filled with You so completely that I will become like a 'Sharpened Sword' and a 'Polished Arrow' in Your hands. Amen.
Week 91
Twee is nodig om die waarheid te onthul -
een om te praat en die anderom te luister. - Thoreau
Week 92
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Hebrews 4:12
'For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword.'
- The Word of the Lord is powerful and living.
- Never underestimate its power when applied to your life.
- It has the ability to bring life and cause change.
- So take His word and apply it to your life each day.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive Your living and powerful Word into my life today. I pray that my life will be changed in response to Your Word. Amen.
Week 93
Om mense lief te hê moet jy hulle ken;
Om God te ken moet jy Hom liefhê. -Blaise Pascal -
Week 94
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Philippians 3:7
'I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.'
- Our lives can get so full of so many unnecessary things.
- Sometimes things that have no value become important to us.
- Let us rid our lives of the rubbish and the garbage.
- Let's remember what is truly valuable and appreciate it.
PRAYER: Lord, I pray that those things that clutter my life so that I cannot see or appreciate the things of true value, will be removed, so that I can move forward unhindered. Amen.
Week 95
Laat ons God, die Vader van ons Here Jesus Christus, gedurig prys want
Hy het vir ons al die geestelike seërn van die hemel gegee wat Vhristus vir ons verkry het.
- Efesiërs 1:3 -
Week 96
Week 97
'n Duisend eeue in U oë
Gaan gou soos en nag om;
So vinnig soos die nag vervloë
Voor die son opkom. - Isac Watts -
Week 99
Woorde soos die natuur,
Kan die Siel daarin half
onthul, half verdoesel. - Afred, Lord Tennyson -
Jesus toegang verkry? - Oscar Wilde -
Week 103
Hy wat God wantrou is nie werd om sy instrument te wees nie. - Francois De La Fénelon -
Week 177
Rots van alle eeue vir my gebreek,
Laat ek my in U versteek; Laat die water en die bloed,
Gevloei uit U deurb oorde sy, Die greep van die sonde verbreek,
En my van sy skuld en krag bevry. - Montague Toplady -
Week 178
Daily Bible Verse: Proverbs 13:22
'A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.'
- Wealth gained through wrong means ends up being taken away.
- The next generation seldom see the benefit of such wealth.
- But the good person leaves something their children can be proud of.
- Be a blessing to the next generation by doing the right thing.
PRAYER: Lord, may my life and the way in which I choose to live my life be something that my children and my children’s children will be able to admire and be thankful for. Amen.
Week 179
Ons God, ons hulp deur eeue heen, Ons hoop vir heel die toekoms,
Ons beskutting as die storms kreun, 'n Ewige tuiste vir ons. - Isaac watts -
Week 180
Daily Bible Verse: Proverbs 13:22
'A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.'
- Wealth gained through wrong means ends up being taken away.
- The next generation seldom see the benefit of such wealth.
- But the good person leaves something their children can be proud of.
- Be a blessing to the next generation by doing the right thing.
PRAYER: Lord, may my life and the way in which I choose to live my life be something that my children and my children’s children will be able to admire and be thankful for. Amen.
Week 30
Verse: Matthew 5:12
'Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.'
- We know that life is so much more than our earthly existence.
- There is another dimension and there is our future hope.
- So don't allow earthly cares to undermine your eternal destiny.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be so earthly minded that I forget about my great future in You. Amen
- We have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice about.
Week 31
'n Mens wat strewe na wraak, hou sy eie wonde vars. - Francis Bacon -
Week 32
Verse: Matthew 5:12
'Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.'
- We have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice about.
- We know that life is so much more than our earthly existence.
- There is another dimension and there is our future hope.
- So don't allow earthly cares to undermine your eternal destiny.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be so earthly minded that I forget about my great future in You. Amen
Week 33
En julle moet onthou dat Ek elke dag by julle sal wees tot die einde van die wêreld toe.
- Matteus 28:20 -
Week 34
Verse: Matthew 5:12
'Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.'
- We have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice about.
- We know that life is so much more than our earthly existence.
- There is another dimension and there is our future hope.
- So don't allow earthly cares to undermine your eternal destiny.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be so earthly minded that I forget about my great future in You. Amen
God sê Ïemand wat My liefhet, sal Ek verlos,Ek sal hom beskerm... - Psalm 91:14 -
Verse: Matthew 5:12
'Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven.'
- We have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice about.
- We know that life is so much more than our earthly existence.
- There is another dimension and there is our future hope.
- So don't allow earthly cares to undermine your eternal destiny.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be so earthly minded that I forget about my great future in You. Amen
Week 37
Maar die mens moet weet dat in hierdie verhoogstuk van die lewe dit is slegs vir God en die engele bestem is om toeskouers te wees. - Francis Bacon -
Week 38
Verse: Proverbs 15:9 (NIV)
'The Lord detests the way of the wicked, but He loves those who pursue righteousness.'
- Doing the right thing is not always easy, but it is always the best.
- The Lord loves those who endeavor to do what is right.
- The lifestyle of the wicked is detestable to the Lord.
- So let us choose to do what is right and what pleases God.
PRAYER: Lord, help me in all my choices to do what honours and pleases You. Amen.
Week 39
Lank gelede in die Dawidstad
Was 'n nederige stad geleé,
En het 'n moeder haar nuwe baba
In 'n krip laat lê gedwee:
Maria was dié moeder fyn,
Jesus Christus haar Kindjie klein.
~ Cecil Frances Alexander ~
Week 40
Verse: Proverbs 15:9 (NIV)
'The Lord detests the way of the wicked, but He loves those who pursue righteousness.'
- Doing the right thing is not always easy, but it is always the best.
- The Lord loves those who endeavor to do what is right.
- The lifestyle of the wicked is detestable to the Lord.
- So let us choose to do what is right and what pleases God.
PRAYER: Lord, help me in all my choices to do what honours and pleases You. Amen.
Week 41
Deugsaamheid is soos 'n waardevolle steen:
op sy mooiste eenvoudig geset. -Francis Bacon -
Week 42
Verse: John 14:20 (NIV)
'I am in my Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you.'
- The Lord wants His involvement in our lives to be a reality.
- As a child of God you are a part of Him.
- And He wants to live within you day by day.
- The Lord wants to be with you and in you.
PRAYER: Lord, I open up my heart and life to You right now. May I know what it means to be in You and may You be a living reality in me. Amen.
Week 43
Tussen die armes nederig, gewoon
Het ons Verlosser die aarde bewoon. -Cecil Francis Alexander -
Week 44
There is nothing better than people praying for you. We're not getting older, just getting closer to home!
The prayer:
Father, Thank You for each and every day You
have blessed us here on earth.
Thank You for Your tender mercies.
Thank You for giving us friends and family to
share joys and sorrows with.
I ask You to bless my friends, relatives,
brothers and sisters in Christ and those I care deeply for,
who are reading this right now.
Where there is joy, give them continued joy,
Where there is pain or sorrow, give them your
peace and mercy.
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed
Where there is need, fulfill their needs.
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings
and their comings.
In Jesus' name,
Week 45
Dankie Heer dat U by my bly
dat U Woord en Gees my ook lei
U is my Vader U is my Heer
graag wil ek lewe soos U my leer
Today I am so grateful that God knows my heart.
Others may misunderstand my good intentions,
judge my words or deeds, find fault, or blame what they truly do not understand.
BUT GOD knows my heart, He knows I am learning,
trying, endeavoring , to be all life created me to do.
Week 47
Sonder geloof kan 'n mens niks vermag nie;
met geloof is alle dinge moontlik. - Sir William Osler -
Week 48
Verse: Psalm 91:1 (NIV)
'Whoever dwells (lives) in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.'
- Stay as close to the Lord as you possibly can.
- It is as we live within His shadow that we can know His rest.
- When we live like this we can have rest on every front.
- Loving faith on man's part will be met by faithful love on HIS part.
PRAYER: Lord, cause me to live within the shelter that You provide for me. I pray that I will not wonder off and remove myself from Your love and protection. Amen.
Week 49
Alle dinge mooi en vrolik,
Alle skepsels klein en groot,
Alle dinge wys en wonderlik,
Die Here God bring alles voort. - Cecil Francis Alexander -
Week 50
Verse: Psalm 90:1 (NLT)
'Lord, through all the generations you have been our home (our dwelling place)!'
- It is only in God that we can truly find home.
- In Him we can find the sense of belonging that we all long for.
- The generations that have gone before us discovered this for themselves.
- Now all that remains is for you and me to discover this for ourselves.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that in You I can find where I belong. In You I find my dwelling place, my refuge and my place of protection. Amen.
Week 51
Tot in Ewigheid sal ek 'n loflied aan U bring,
Voorwaar! Die ewigheid is te kort Om U grootheid te besing. - Joseph Addison
Week 52
Verse: Isaiah 55:2
'Why spend money on what is not bread, and your labor on what does not satisfy?'
- Every moment we have is a gift from the Lord.
- We should not waste our time, energy and resources on things of no value.
- We should rather focus on that which has real and enduring value.
- Make every moment count and use it for His glory.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be consumed with things that have little or no long term value. May I take advantage of the time You have given me so that I can focus on those things that have eternal value. Amen. -
Week 53
Die ryk man in sy kasteel,
Die arm man by sy hekpaal,
God het elk, hoog of laag, gemaak,
En ook hul stand bepaal. - Cecil Francis Alexander -
Week 54
Verse: Isaiah 43:11
'I alone am the Lord, and there is no saviour except Me.'
- We have a Saviour and He is the one true living God.
- He loved us enough to die for us.
- Some may say that all roads lead to God.
- But there is only One and He wants to be your Saviour and friend.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for what You have done for me. I receive Your forgiveness and I declare that You are my Saviour. Amen.
Week 55
Voor ek aan die slaap kan raak,
Bid ek dat God oor my sal waak.
Sou ek sterf voor ek opstaan,
Hoop ek my siel sal na God gaan. - Anoniem -
Week 56
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Colossians 1:11 (Phillips)
'We pray that you will be strengthened from God's boundless resources, so that you will find yourselves able to pass through any experience and endure it with courage.'
- The experiences of life that we pass through are not always easy.
- BUT with His help we can endure and pass the tests.
- Out of His boundless resources we can be strengthened.
- May HE give you all the power that you need.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the 'boundless resources' from which I can draw in order that I can pass through the experiences of life and come out victorious. Amen.
Week 57
Hy is die toonbeeld van ons jeug dag vir dag gegroei soos ons,
Hy was klein, swak en hulpeloos,
Hy 't ook geglimlag en gefrons en Hy deel in ons verdriet
En wil ons vreugdes ook geniet. - Cecil Frances Alexander -
Week 58
Here is your word for today:
Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:8 (Phillips Translation)
'He will keep you steadfast in the faith to the end, so that when His day comes you need fear no condemnation.'
- The Lord, Himself, is with you to steady you and keep you on track.
- He is your conqueror and He will cause you to walk in victory.
- Don't fear; rather believe in His hand on your life.
- He will continue to give you the strength you need.
PRAYER: Lord, You know my inward battles. You know the challenges I face and I thank You that You undertake to carry and sustain me. Amen
Week 59
Mag God in my kop wees; En in my insig; Mag God in my oë wees,
Mag God in my mond wees; En in my taal; Mag God in my hart wees; En my denke bepaal;
Mag God by my einde wees; En by my begin. - Anoniem -
Week 60
Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:8 (Phillips Translation)
'He will keep you steadfast in the faith to the end, so that when His day comes you need fear no condemnation.'
- The Lord, Himself, is with you to steady you and keep you on track.
- He is your conqueror and He will cause you to walk in victory.
- Don't fear; rather believe in His hand on your life.
- He will continue to give you the strength you need.
PRAYER: Lord, You know my inward battles. You know the challenges I face and I thank You that You undertake to carry and sustain me. Amen
Matteus, Lukas, Johannes, Markus, geseënd is die bed waarop ek rus.
Vier engele langs my bed, vier engele waarop ek let en een wat vra,
En twee wat my siel weg sal dra. - Anoniem -
Week 62
Verse: Jeremiah 51:11
'Sharpen the arrows, take up the shields!'
- In the course of life we face many battles.
- The Lord has given us the weapons we need to overcome.
- We must always be alert and prepared to fight the good fight.
- Take up your position with God and remember you are destined in win.
PRAYER: Lord, in the battles that I am facing, I choose to remain close to You. Help me not to be caught unawares but may I be equipped and ready so that I can walk in victory. Amen.
Week 63
Heer, ek het my hoop op u gevestig, ek sal nie vir ewig tot niet gaan nie.
- Book of Common Prayer - ( Anglikaanse kerk)
Week 64
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Exodus 33:17
'The Lord said to Moses, 'I will do the very thing you have asked, because I am pleased with you and I know you by name.'
- God wants to extend His favour towards you.
- Let us live our lives in such a way that it is pleasing to Him.
- Let us trust Him with the very desires of our hearts.
- Let us know Him and be known by Him.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You know me by name. I know that You have wonderful things planned for me. May I live my life in a way that pleases You. Amen.
Week 65
Dit is U wat my lei en my raad gee en my uiteindelik met eer sal ontvang.
- Psalm 73:24 -
Week 66
Verse: Isaiah 45:3
'I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the Lord who summons (calls) you by name.'
- God has got hidden treasures and secret riches.
- These are things you could never have dreamt of or imagined.
- Don't be limited by what you think God can do.
- Believe that He has knowledge of things yet to be discovered.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You know all things. You know what I will need even though I have not yet realized it. I will trust You in all these things. Amen.
Week 67
Vir dié wat 'n vaste voorneme het, sal U vrede gee, Here, omdat hulle op U vertrou.- Jesja 26:3-
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 41:9
'I took you from the ends of the earth, from its farthest corners I called you. I said, 'You are my servant'; I have chosen you and have not rejected you.'
- God has chosen you for His own special purpose.
- He wants to use you and in the process give your life purpose.
- He has NOT rejected or abandoned you in any way.
- Give yourself and your life to Him and He will use you.
PRAYER: Lord, I give myself to You today. I want to be your servant and it is my heart's desire to be used by You. Here I am Lord, use me. Amen.
Week 69
God en die natuur doen niks tervergeefs nie. - Aristoteles -
Week 70
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Psalm 130:2
'Lord, hear my voice. Let Your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy.'
- The Lord is the One to turn to for the relief you are looking for.
- He is the One who hears and listens to our cries for help.
- Perhaps you think He doesn't hear, but He always does.
- In His time and in His way He always answers.
PRAYER: O Lord, hear my voice and may Your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy and help. Amen.
Week 71
Vertrou geheel en en al op die Here en moenie op jou eie insig staatmaak nie
Hou Hom in gedagte by elke ding wat jy doen, dan sal Hy sorg dat jou lewe reg verloop.
- Spreuke 3:5,6 -
Week 72
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 49:1
'The Lord called me before my birth; from within the womb He called me by name.'
- The Lord has a plan and purpose with your life, today and forever.
- There is nothing about your life that is an accident.
- He knows your name and He is at work within you.
- Let Him use you and your life will have a sense of purpose.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You have called me by name. You know me and I trust You with my life and my future. Amen.
Week 73
Ons het gefouteer.... En ons het ons eie belange en hartsbegeertes te veel nagestreef...
Ons het dié dinge wat ons moes doen nagelaat;
En dié dinge wat ons eerder moes nalaat wel gedoen..
vergeef ons ons oortredinge.. - Oggendgebed -
Week 74
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 49:2
'He has hidden me in the shadow of His hand.'
- There is a place close to God that is reserved for you.
- He wants you to live within the shadow of His hand.
- There you will find the protection you need from your enemies.
- There you will find His presence and know His companionship.
PRAYER: Lord, may I live within the shadow of Your hand. May I know what it means to be hidden and protected under Your mighty hand. Amen.
Week 75
'n Mens kry slegs een lewe en een dood. Een hemel en een hel. - Robert Browning -
Week 76
Verse: Psalm 130:4
'But with You (Lord) there is forgiveness, so that we can, with reverence, serve You.'
- God doesn't want anything to come between Him and us.
- So He offers us forgiveness and release.
- His forgiveness is available to you right now.
- As a result you can be free to serve Him with all your heart.
PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for the things that I have done that have displeased You. May I walk in the freedom and liberty that You offer me all the days of my life. Amen.
Ons weet dat God alles wat gebeur, laat saamwerk tot ons voordeel as ons Hom liefhet,
want God het ons geroep omdat Hy vooraf so besluit het. - Rom 8:28 -
Week 78
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Psalm 130:5
'I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope.'
- Waiting for the Lord to act, is an act of faith.
- Delay does not mean denial.
- Trust Him with your whole being.
- Hold onto His Word and confidently look forward.
PRAYER: Lord, I put my hope and confidence in You today. I will hold on to Your Word and I will continue to trust and believe what You have spoken. Amen.
Week 79
Hy stuur sneeu in die winter, die warmte wat graan laat gedy,
Die briese en die sonskyn. En verfrissende reën daarby. - Jane Campbell -
Week 80
Latest Daily Thought
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 130:5
'I wait for the LORD, my whole being waits, and in His word I put my hope.'
- Waiting for the Lord to act, is an act of faith.
- Delay does not mean denial.
- Trust Him with your whole being.
- Hold onto His Word and confidently look forward.
PRAYER: Lord, I put my hope and confidence in You today. I will hold on to Your Word and I will continue to trust and believe what You have spoken. Amen.
Week 81
Om nader aan God te wandel,
'n Kalm en hemelse kring;
'n Lig wat op my pad kan skyn
En my na die Lam toe bring! - William Cowper -
Week 84
Romans 5:3 (Amplified Bible)
‘Moreover let us also be full of joy now!’
- Often we want something to happen to make us happy.
– We want circumstances to be perfect before we rejoice.
– This seldom happens in life.
– The secret is to enjoy what we have NOW!
– God will take care of the rest!
PRAYER: Lord, I choose to be full of joy for what I have now and I will confidently trust You for what I still need.
Week 83
Praat met Hom, want Hy hoor,
en Gees kan gees ontmoet -
Nader is Hy as 'n asemteug,
en nader as hand en voet. - Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 84
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 30:18
'The Lord earnestly waits, expecting, looking, and longing to be gracious to YOU.'
- God is longing to be kind to you.
- God is a good God and He wants to be good to you.
- We must begin to believe this.
- We must live with an expectation that God will be good to us.
PRAYER: Lord, I am sorry that I have doubted You. Thank You for Your kindness towards me. I will anticipate Your blessing and favour on my life. Amen.
Week 85
Bid vir my siel. Baie meer word deur gebed vermag as wat
hierdie wêreld kan droom... laat jou stem soos 'n fontein
vir my opgaan nag en dag.. - Alfred, lord Tennyson -
Week 86
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Proverbs 16:7
'When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies live at peace with him.'
- Endeavoring to please God is a good thing.
- As we please Him He makes a way for us.
- As we live a life that pleases Him, He gives us favor.
- When we have His favor any situation can change.
PRAYER: Lord, may my ways be pleasing in Your sight. May I live a life that brings You praise and honour. Amen.
Met u het die dood skoonheid
n. - aan sy duisternes verleen. -Alfred Lord Tennyson -
Week 88
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 49:1
'The Lord called me before my birth; from within the womb He called me by name.'
- The Lord has a wonderful plan and purpose for each of our lives.
- He has planted within each of us a seed of destiny.
- His desire is that our lives would be useful in His hands.
- So give your life to Him and see how He will use you.
PRAYER: Lord, it is my desire that You would use my life and that as a result the destiny and purpose You planted within me will become a reality. Amen.
Week 89
As jy die kruis blymoedig dra, dra ek saam met jou. - Thomas A Kempis -
Week 90
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Isaiah 49:2
'He made my mouth like a sharpened sword, in the shadow of His hand He hid me; He made me into a polished arrow and concealed me in His quiver.'
- The Lord will give you the words to say.
- He will protect and keep you safe.
- He will cause you to be effective and relevant.
- And when the time is right, He will use you beyond what you thought.
PRAYER: Lord, may I be filled with You so completely that I will become like a 'Sharpened Sword' and a 'Polished Arrow' in Your hands. Amen.
Week 91
Twee is nodig om die waarheid te onthul -
een om te praat en die anderom te luister. - Thoreau
Week 92
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Hebrews 4:12
'For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword.'
- The Word of the Lord is powerful and living.
- Never underestimate its power when applied to your life.
- It has the ability to bring life and cause change.
- So take His word and apply it to your life each day.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive Your living and powerful Word into my life today. I pray that my life will be changed in response to Your Word. Amen.
Week 93
Om mense lief te hê moet jy hulle ken;
Om God te ken moet jy Hom liefhê. -Blaise Pascal -
Week 94
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Philippians 3:7
'I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.'
- Our lives can get so full of so many unnecessary things.
- Sometimes things that have no value become important to us.
- Let us rid our lives of the rubbish and the garbage.
- Let's remember what is truly valuable and appreciate it.
PRAYER: Lord, I pray that those things that clutter my life so that I cannot see or appreciate the things of true value, will be removed, so that I can move forward unhindered. Amen.
Week 95
Laat ons God, die Vader van ons Here Jesus Christus, gedurig prys want
Hy het vir ons al die geestelike seërn van die hemel gegee wat Vhristus vir ons verkry het.
- Efesiërs 1:3 -
Week 96
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Philippians 3:7
'I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done.'
- Our lives can get so full of so many unnecessary things.
- Sometimes things that have no value become important to us.
- Let us rid our lives of the rubbish and the garbage.
- Let's remember what is truly valuable and appreciate it.
PRAYER: Lord, I pray that those things that clutter my life so that I cannot see or appreciate the things of true value, will be removed, so that I can move forward unhindered. Amen.
Week 97
'n Duisend eeue in U oë
Gaan gou soos en nag om;
So vinnig soos die nag vervloë
Voor die son opkom. - Isac Watts -
Week 98
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Matthew 16:18
'..... I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.'
- God is in the process of building His church.
- Nothing will stop what He has planned or what He will do.
- Opposition and challenges will come.
- But nothing will hinder His plans and purposes.
PRAYER: Lord, build Your church, here and all around the world. We pray for an increase in Your Kingdom and we pray that many will come to faith in You. Amen.
Week 99
Woorde soos die natuur,
Kan die Siel daarin half
onthul, half verdoesel. - Afred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 100
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Deuteronomy 28:7
'The Lord will grant that the enemies who rise up against you will be defeated before you. They will come at you from one direction but flee from you in seven.'
- Overwhelming victory is part of God's blessing for you.
- He wants to remove the enemies who would like to see you destroyed.
- He rises up to move on your behalf.
- Your enemies stand no chance in the face of Your God.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the victory You have planned for me. May those enemies that would like to see me destroyed, flee now in Your precious name. Amen.
Week 101
Hoe anders as deur 'n gebroke hart kan die HereJesus toegang verkry? - Oscar Wilde -
Week 102
Here is your word for today:
Verse: John 15:9
'As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you. Now remain (abide) in My love.'
- The Lord wants our connection with Him to remain strong.
- Perhaps you feel you have lost your connection?
- It is time to get re-connected.
- Let's make sure we stay connected and abide in His love.
PRAYER: Lord, it is my express desire to remain vitally connected to You, My Savior and My Lord. I choose to remain in and to abide in Your great love. Amen.
Week 103
Hy wat God wantrou is nie werd om sy instrument te wees nie. - Francois De La Fénelon -
Week 104
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Proverbs 16:9
'We can make our plans, but the Lord determines our steps.'
- God has the final say in all matters.
- We can plan and decide, but He sets the course.
- The best way is to plan according to His leading and guidance.
- Give Him your dreams and plans and see what He will do.
PRAYER: Lord, You are the One who determines my steps. May I step in sync with Your will so that my life can be effective and fruitful. Amen
Week 105.
Waar daar liefde is ,
Is daar ook lig-
waar daar liefde is,Heer,
Sien ek u gesig.- HelenSteiner Rice-
Week 106
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Jeremiah 23:29
'Is not My word like fire,' declares the Lord, 'and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?'
- God's word is powerful and effective.
- Words are easy, but the Words of God are eternal.
- Hold onto His promises and His Word.
- His Word can even break the obstacles you are facing.
PRAYER: Lord, I choose to believe and trust in Your Word. May I never doubt Your Word, but I choose to believe it, with all that is within me. Amen
Week 107
Daar is liefde in jou lewe, daarom sal jy nie vandag swaarmoedig voel,
en daarom sal jou dag ook nie donker wees nie. - Helen steiner Rice -
Week 108
Here is your word for today:
Verse: 2 Corinthians 10:4
'The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.'
- The Lord has given you the tools you need to overcome.
- These tools and weapons may not look ideal.
- But they have the power to destroy that which seeks to destroy you.
- May the strongholds be destroyed and may you live in His liberty.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for giving me the tools I need to walk in victory. May I never again walk in the bondage the enemy has prepared for me! Amen.
Week 109
As onbegrip en kommer jou lewe versuur,
Kyk op na God -
Laat Hy jou lewe stuur. - Helen Steiner Rice -
Week 110
Here is your word for today:
Verse: James 4:7
'Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.'
- Drawing near to God is the joy that each of His children can enjoy.
- We do this as we submit ourselves to Him.
- He always has your best interests at heart.
- Then you can resist the evil one and know that he has to flee.
PRAYER: Lord, I take this sacred moment and I submit myself, my life and my future into Your capable hands. I resist the devil and I walk in divine victory and strength. Amen.
Week 111
Moenie dink jy het dien wysheid in pag nie,
dien die Here en vermy wat sleg is..
Spreuke 3:7
Week 112
'When Naomi heard that the Lord had come to the aid of His people by providing food for them, she and her daughters-in-law prepared to return home from there.'
- The Lord is always ready to come to the aid of His people.
- He is not ignorant of our daily, practical needs.
- He sees and He knows and He will provide.
- Expect Him to be your source.
PRAYER: Lord, You are the source of every good and perfect gift. I receive Your provision and supply for my daily needs. You are the one who comes to my aid. Amen.
Week 121
As alles om my stil is,
En my sielvoor God neerbuig ,Is aanbidding louter vteugde
En laat Hy my in dankbaarheid juig. - Helen Steiner Rice -
Week 122
Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:3
'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, the Father of compassions, and God of all encouragement....'
- He is the source of all the compassion and mercy you long for.
- Within our human frame is the hope that we will receive compassion.
- We all make mistakes and secretly we hope we will receive compassion.
- HE comes and gives us this unlimited compassion.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your compassion towards me. I recognise that You are the source of the compassion I need each day and I receive it afresh today. Amen.
Week 123
In U hande gee ek my lewe oor.. Ps 31.6
Week 129
Week 105.
Waar daar liefde is ,
Is daar ook lig-
waar daar liefde is,Heer,
Sien ek u gesig.- HelenSteiner Rice-
Week 106
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Jeremiah 23:29
'Is not My word like fire,' declares the Lord, 'and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?'
- God's word is powerful and effective.
- Words are easy, but the Words of God are eternal.
- Hold onto His promises and His Word.
- His Word can even break the obstacles you are facing.
PRAYER: Lord, I choose to believe and trust in Your Word. May I never doubt Your Word, but I choose to believe it, with all that is within me. Amen
Week 107
Daar is liefde in jou lewe, daarom sal jy nie vandag swaarmoedig voel,
en daarom sal jou dag ook nie donker wees nie. - Helen steiner Rice -
Week 108
Here is your word for today:
Verse: 2 Corinthians 10:4
'The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds.'
- The Lord has given you the tools you need to overcome.
- These tools and weapons may not look ideal.
- But they have the power to destroy that which seeks to destroy you.
- May the strongholds be destroyed and may you live in His liberty.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for giving me the tools I need to walk in victory. May I never again walk in the bondage the enemy has prepared for me! Amen.
Week 109
As onbegrip en kommer jou lewe versuur,
Kyk op na God -
Laat Hy jou lewe stuur. - Helen Steiner Rice -
Week 110
Here is your word for today:
Verse: James 4:7
'Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.'
- Drawing near to God is the joy that each of His children can enjoy.
- We do this as we submit ourselves to Him.
- He always has your best interests at heart.
- Then you can resist the evil one and know that he has to flee.
PRAYER: Lord, I take this sacred moment and I submit myself, my life and my future into Your capable hands. I resist the devil and I walk in divine victory and strength. Amen.
Week 111
Moenie dink jy het dien wysheid in pag nie,
dien die Here en vermy wat sleg is..
Spreuke 3:7
Week 112
Here is your word for today:
Verse: Ephesians 6:10
'Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.'
- His mighty power is available to you to strengthen you.
- It is by His power that we are sustained day by day.
- Be strong in the Lord, not in yourself.
- Let His eternal strength sustain you today and always.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive Your strength into my life today and right now. May I not try to sustain myself but may I be sustained by You. Amen.
Week 113
Leer my asseblief , o Heer,
Om nie so haastig te wees,
Maar om elke dag
om leiding te bid,
op U te te vertrou en U te vrees. - Helen Steiner Rice -
Week 114
Verse: Exodus 33:11
'The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.'
- The picture of the Lord speaking to Moses is something special.
- But He wants to speak to you as well.
- Perhaps today He will do just that as you open your heart to Him.
- Expect His response, expect His reply and expect an answer.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to over complicate my relationship with You. Speak to me as I continue
to trust You. Amen.
Week 119
Hoe lief het ek u wet! Dit bly my elke oomblik by. Ps 119:97
Week 120
Verse: Ruth 1:6Verse: Ephesians 6:10
'Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.'
- His mighty power is available to you to strengthen you.
- It is by His power that we are sustained day by day.
- Be strong in the Lord, not in yourself.
- Let His eternal strength sustain you today and always.
PRAYER: Lord, I receive Your strength into my life today and right now. May I not try to sustain myself but may I be sustained by You. Amen.
Week 113
Leer my asseblief , o Heer,
Om nie so haastig te wees,
Maar om elke dag
om leiding te bid,
op U te te vertrou en U te vrees. - Helen Steiner Rice -
Week 114
Verse: Romans 13:12
'The night is nearly over; the day is almost here.'
- There is always hope with God.
- We may think that the night season will never end.
- Weeping may last for the night, but joy comes in the morning.
- Nothing we face lasts forever and His light will arise on you.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the great reassurance that You bring into my life. I know that my season.
Week 115
Streef vandag daana om glad nie selfsugtig te wees nie. - Helen Steiner Rice. -
Week 115
Streef vandag daana om glad nie selfsugtig te wees nie. - Helen Steiner Rice. -
Week 116
Verse: Ephesians 6:11b
'...... take your stand against the devil's schemes.'
- Stand firm against all strategies of the devil.
- Never give him a foothold in your life.
- Resist him and he will flee from you.
- Never capitulate and never surrender, God will see you through.
PRAYER: Lord, today I draw a line in the sand. I take a stand and I declare, this far and no further. Work on my behalf I pray dear Lord. Amen.
Week 117
Dankie, Heer, dat U vandag
die donkerwolke wolke laat verdwyn
En u vreugde in my hart laat bly,
U son oor my laat skyn. - Helen Steiner Rice -
Week 117
Dankie, Heer, dat U vandag
die donkerwolke wolke laat verdwyn
En u vreugde in my hart laat bly,
U son oor my laat skyn. - Helen Steiner Rice -
Week 118
'The Lord would speak to Moses face to face, as one speaks to a friend.'
- The picture of the Lord speaking to Moses is something special.
- But He wants to speak to you as well.
- Perhaps today He will do just that as you open your heart to Him.
- Expect His response, expect His reply and expect an answer.
PRAYER: Lord, help me not to over complicate my relationship with You. Speak to me as I continue
to trust You. Amen.
Week 119
Hoe lief het ek u wet! Dit bly my elke oomblik by. Ps 119:97
Week 120
'When Naomi heard that the Lord had come to the aid of His people by providing food for them, she and her daughters-in-law prepared to return home from there.'
- The Lord is always ready to come to the aid of His people.
- He is not ignorant of our daily, practical needs.
- He sees and He knows and He will provide.
- Expect Him to be your source.
PRAYER: Lord, You are the source of every good and perfect gift. I receive Your provision and supply for my daily needs. You are the one who comes to my aid. Amen.
Week 121
As alles om my stil is,
En my sielvoor God neerbuig ,Is aanbidding louter vteugde
En laat Hy my in dankbaarheid juig. - Helen Steiner Rice -
Week 122
Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:3
'Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord, the Father of compassions, and God of all encouragement....'
- He is the source of all the compassion and mercy you long for.
- Within our human frame is the hope that we will receive compassion.
- We all make mistakes and secretly we hope we will receive compassion.
- HE comes and gives us this unlimited compassion.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your compassion towards me. I recognise that You are the source of the compassion I need each day and I receive it afresh today. Amen.
Week 123
In U hande gee ek my lewe oor.. Ps 31.6
Week 124
Verse: Genesis 22:8
Abraham answered, "God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." And the two of them went on together.
- The Lord is a faithful God.
- He is your keeper and the One who comes alongside to provide all that is needed.
- He sees your need and His plan is to step in and provide for that need.
- He is YOUR provider.
PRAYER: Lord, You are my provider and I will look to none other because I know that You love and care for me and will meet my every need. Amen.
Week 125.
Spits jou vandag daarop toe om om optimisties te wees en nie pessimities nie. - Helen Steiner Rice -
Week 126
Verse: Genesis 22:14
Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided."
- The Lord knows exactly what you are going through.
- He sees every struggle and every fear.
- He wants to reveal Himself to you by answering your prayers and supplying your needs.
- His 'seeing' of our needs does not stop there, it moves from seeing to intervening.
PRAYER: Lord, You are Jehovah-Jireh, our provider. Today I choose to rest in this great truth, with the full knowledge and assurance that You will undertake in all things. Amen.
Week 127
Wat ook al vandag met jou gebeur,
watter las jy ook al moet dra, vertrou met jou hele hart op God.
Week 128
'I will be found by you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and will bring you back from captivity'
- The plans of God for us are clear.
- He wants us to know the freedom and liberty that only He can give.
- As we seek Him, He will be found by us.
- Then we can step into the freedom from captivity He has prepared for us.
PRAYER: Lord, it is my desire to seek You with all my heart and to discover more about Your love and plans for my life.
Verse: Genesis 22:8
Abraham answered, "God Himself will provide the lamb for the burnt offering, my son." And the two of them went on together.
- The Lord is a faithful God.
- He is your keeper and the One who comes alongside to provide all that is needed.
- He sees your need and His plan is to step in and provide for that need.
- He is YOUR provider.
PRAYER: Lord, You are my provider and I will look to none other because I know that You love and care for me and will meet my every need. Amen.
Week 125.
Spits jou vandag daarop toe om om optimisties te wees en nie pessimities nie. - Helen Steiner Rice -
Verse: Genesis 22:14
Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, "On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided."
- The Lord knows exactly what you are going through.
- He sees every struggle and every fear.
- He wants to reveal Himself to you by answering your prayers and supplying your needs.
- His 'seeing' of our needs does not stop there, it moves from seeing to intervening.
PRAYER: Lord, You are Jehovah-Jireh, our provider. Today I choose to rest in this great truth, with the full knowledge and assurance that You will undertake in all things. Amen.
Week 127
Wat ook al vandag met jou gebeur,
watter las jy ook al moet dra, vertrou met jou hele hart op God.
Week 128
'I will be found by you,’ declares the LORD, ‘and will bring you back from captivity'
- The plans of God for us are clear.
- He wants us to know the freedom and liberty that only He can give.
- As we seek Him, He will be found by us.
- Then we can step into the freedom from captivity He has prepared for us.
PRAYER: Lord, it is my desire to seek You with all my heart and to discover more about Your love and plans for my life.
Week 129
Hy wat God wantrou is nie werd
om sy instrument te wees nie. - Francois De La Fénelon -
Week 130
Daily Bible Verse: Matthew 7:13
'Enter through the narrow gate because the gate and road that lead to destruction are wide. Many enter through the wide gate.'
- We are called to a different kind of life.
- The Bible compares it to a narrow gate as opposed to a broad road.
- It may be easier to go with the flow and follow the wide road.
- But we are called to something different and something purposeful
'Behold, I am making all things new.'
- The Lord is the only one who can make things new again.
- He can take what is damaged and hurt and completely restore it.
- He can take impossible circumstances and turn them around.
- He can bring back life and hope into any situation.
PRAYER: Lord, please come by Your Spirit and renew and revive my life, my hopes and my dreams. Amen.
'….You guided Your people….'
- Just as the Lord guided His people of old, He will guide you.
- We can ask your great Saviour to guide you each day.
- This world is not our home and that is why we need a guide.
- We are weak, but He is mighty and He will lead us by the hand.PRAYER: Lord, be my guide through all the aspects of life that I am facing. I don’t want to do it on my own, but I choose to be led and guided by you. Amen.
Week 131
Hoe anders as deur'n gebroke hart kan die Here
Jesus toegang verkry.? - Oscar Wilde -
Week 132
Daily Bible Verse: Isaiah 60:22
'The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly.'
- God loves to take a little and make something great out of it.
- The little we may have can be greatly multiplied when placed in His hands.
- When the time for reaping comes, nothing can stop it.
- When the fullness of time arrives, things happen quickly.
PRAYER: Lord, thank you for the work You are doing within me. I pray that You will cause multiplication to take place in my life.
Week 133
Woorde, soos die natuur, kan die Siel daarin half
onthul, half verdoesel. - Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 134
Verse: Isaiah 60:20
'The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.'
- No situation or circumstance lasts forever.
- Things can and will change, just like the seasons.
- Through it all, the Lord remains your 'Everlasting Light'.
- He will light your way and bring it to pass.
PRAYER: Lord, be my 'Everlasting Light'. Thank You that I can trust You that the seasons of my life will change in Your perfect timing. Amen.
Week 135
So vinnig soos die nag vervloë
Voor die son opkom. - Isaac Watts -
Week 136
Verse: Revelation 21:5
Week 137
Ons God, ons hulp deur die eeue heen,
Ons hoop vir heel die toekoms,
Ons beskutting as die storms
kreun, 'n Ewige tuiste vir ons. - Isaac Watts -
Week 138
Daily Bible Verse: Isaiah 63:14
Week 139
Gedurig prys want Hy het vir ons al die geestelike seën
van die hemel gegee wat Christus vir ons verkry het.- Efesiërs 1:3 -
Week 140
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 100:4
'Enter His gates with a song of thanksgiving. Come into His courtyards with a song of praise. Give thanks to Him; praise His name.'
- You and I can know His presence in our daily lives.
Week 141
Twee is nodig om die waarheid
te onthul - een praat
en die ander om te luister. - Thoreau -
Week 142
Daily Bible Verse: Acts 3:19
'Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.'
- The Lord has got seasons and times of refreshing in store for us.
PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for those things that stop the flow of Your refreshing in my life. Come now, oh Lord and refresh and strengthen me I pray. Amen.
Week 143
As jy die kruis blymoedig
dra, dra ek saam met jou. - Thomas Á Kempis -
Week 144
PRAYER: Lord, Your great love for me overwhelms me. Thank You that You will not in any way fail or abandon me. Amen
Week 145
Met U het die dood skoonheid
aan sy duisternis verleen.
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 146
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 23:3
'……He restores my soul…….'
- What a joy to know that He will come and restore our souls.
PRAYER: Lord, come and restore and renew my soul today. May I be repaired, recharged, renewed and revived I pray. Amen.
Week 147
Bid vir my siel. Baie meer word deur gebed vermag as wat
hierdie wêreld kan droom....
Laat jou stem soos 'n fontein vir my opgaan nag en dag...- Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 148
Verse: Matthew 5:12
- We have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice about.
Week 149
Bid vir my siel. Baie meer word deur gebed vermag as wat hierdie wêreld kan droom......
laat jou stem soos 'n fontein vir my opgaan nag en dag....
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 150
Verse: Hebrews 10:36
- It is easy to give up and throw in the towel.
Week 151
Nader is Hy as 'n asemteug, en nader as hand en voet.
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson - .
Week 152
Verse: John 14:20 (NIV)
- The Lord wants His involvement in our lives to be a reality.
Week 153
'n Lig wat op my pad kan skyn en my na die Lam toe bring!
- William Cowper -
Week 154
Verse: Proverbs 15:9 (NIV)
- Doing the right thing is not always easy, but it is always the best.
Week 155
Die briesie en die sonskyn, en verfrissende reën daarby.
- Jane Campbell -
Week 156
Verse: Psalm 91:1 (NIV)
- Stay as close to the Lord as you possibly can.
Week 157
Het jy alles verloor!!!
Week 158
Verse: Psalm 91:1 (NIV)
- Stay as close to the Lord as you possibly can.
Week 159
Ons is kosbaar omdat God ons lief het !!!
Week 160
The prayer:
Thank You for Your tender mercies.
Thank You for giving us friends and family to share joys and sorrows with.
I ask You to bless my friends, relatives, brothers and sisters in Christ and those I care deeply for,
who are reading this right now.
Where there is joy, give them continued joy,
Where there is pain or sorrow, give them your peace and mercy.
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence.
Where there is need, fulfill their needs.
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.
In Jesus' name,
Week 161
Louwarmte beskou ek as 'n sonde-
ewe groot in geloof as in liefde -
- Abraham Cowley -
Week 162
Verse: Isaiah 55:2
- Every moment we have is a gift from the Lord.
Week 163
Die Here is my keuse en daarom vertrou ek Hom
Die Here is goed vir die wat op Hom vertrou en doen wat Hy wil hê
Dit is vir ons die beste om geduldig te wag totdat die Here ons red. - Klaagliedere 3:24-26 -
Week 164
Verse: Colossians 1:11 (Phillips)
- The experiences of life that we pass through are not always easy.
Week 165
Met my oog gerig op God en die ewigheid besef ek ... dat ek geen haat
of bitterheid teenoor enigeen moet koester nie. - Edith Cavell -
Week 166
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 16:8-9
'I always keep the LORD in front of me. When He is by my side, I cannot be moved. That is why my heart is glad and my soul rejoices. My body rests securely.'
PRAYER: Lord, thank you that You are always with Me. Because of this great fact I can rest secure and nothing needs to come and shake or rattle my security in You. Amen.
Week 167
As jy nie kerse aansteek nie, mag jy nie oor die donker kla nie.!!
Week 168
Daily Bible Verse: Ephesians 5:15-16
'Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil.'
- We live in times when each step we take needs to made in wisdom.
- Don’t be irrational or unwise.
- Ask the Lord to show you in which direction you should move.
- Let us make the most of every moment He gives us.
PRAYER: Lord, may my life be an example of someone that is guided by Your wisdom on a daily basis. Amen.
Week 169
Met my oog gerig op God en die ewigheid besef ek ..
dat ek geen haat of bitterheid teenoor enigeen moet koester nie. - Edith Cavell -
Week 170
Daily Bible Verse: Matthew 6:22
'Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light'
- As a child I used sing a song: ‘Be careful little eyes what you see!’
- What we entertain with our eyes can affect our entire lives.
- We can choose to see the negative or we can choose to see the good.
- As we focus on what is good it will fill our lives with light.
PRAYER: Lord, it is my desire that my life would be filled with the light that can only come from You. Flood my life with Your light I pray. Amen
Week 171
Julle weet tog hoe min mossies werd is .. en tog vergeet God nooit 'n enkele een van hulle nie.
Moet dan nie bang wees want julle is baie meer werd as 'n hele klomp mossies.
God weet selfs presies hoeveel hare daar op julle kop is. - Lukas 12:6,7 -
Week 172
Daily Bible Verse: Matthew 6:20-21
'Store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where moths and rust don't destroy and thieves don't break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.'
- Sometimes we waste so much time and energy on futile earthly things.
- Often we can be distracted by things that do not last or endure.
- Our greatest treasure is the joy of knowing God in our lives.
- Let Him be your treasure and be delighted with your God.
PRAYER: Lord, may my life not be wasted on futile and temporary things, but may I know what it means to love You and be loved by You. Amen.
Week 173
En God, een wet, een element, En een veraf goddelike moment,
Wat hele skepping aandryf. - Alfred Lord Tennysen -
Week 174
Daily Bible Verse: Luke 8:16
'No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.'
- You and I are meant to bring light into a dark world.
- We should shine with HIS light and bring hope to those around us.
- Don’t hide or conceal your light.
- Be like a lighthouse to those who are looking for hope and direction.
PRAYER: Lord, may my light shine bright and may I be a good reflection of Your love and light to others. Amen.
Week 175
"Waardig die Lam wat gesterf het", roep hul,
"So wonderbaaar verhewe";
"Waardig die Lam" rpep hul gul,
"Geslag sodat ons kan lewe".- Isaac Watts -
Week 176
Daily Bible Verse: Proverbs 10:9
'Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.'
- Walking in integrity leads to walking securely.
- Crooked paths will be exposed and will be brought into the light.
- The Bible says that we should be sure that our sins will find us out.
- When you have nothing to hide or to fear you can live with confidence.
PRAYER: Lord, I choose to live according to Your patterns and character. May I be found to be a person of integrity and may it never be said of me that I took crooked paths. Amen.
om sy instrument te wees nie. - Francois De La Fénelon -
Week 130
Daily Bible Verse: Matthew 7:13
'Enter through the narrow gate because the gate and road that lead to destruction are wide. Many enter through the wide gate.'
- We are called to a different kind of life.
- The Bible compares it to a narrow gate as opposed to a broad road.
- It may be easier to go with the flow and follow the wide road.
- But we are called to something different and something purposeful
'Behold, I am making all things new.'
- The Lord is the only one who can make things new again.
- He can take what is damaged and hurt and completely restore it.
- He can take impossible circumstances and turn them around.
- He can bring back life and hope into any situation.
PRAYER: Lord, please come by Your Spirit and renew and revive my life, my hopes and my dreams. Amen.
'….You guided Your people….'
- Just as the Lord guided His people of old, He will guide you.
- We can ask your great Saviour to guide you each day.
- This world is not our home and that is why we need a guide.
- We are weak, but He is mighty and He will lead us by the hand.PRAYER: Lord, be my guide through all the aspects of life that I am facing. I don’t want to do it on my own, but I choose to be led and guided by you. Amen.
Week 131
Hoe anders as deur'n gebroke hart kan die Here
Jesus toegang verkry.? - Oscar Wilde -
Week 132
Daily Bible Verse: Isaiah 60:22
'The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly.'
- God loves to take a little and make something great out of it.
- The little we may have can be greatly multiplied when placed in His hands.
- When the time for reaping comes, nothing can stop it.
- When the fullness of time arrives, things happen quickly.
PRAYER: Lord, thank you for the work You are doing within me. I pray that You will cause multiplication to take place in my life.
Week 133
Woorde, soos die natuur, kan die Siel daarin half
onthul, half verdoesel. - Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 134
Verse: Isaiah 60:20
'The Lord will be your everlasting light, and your days of sorrow will end.'
- No situation or circumstance lasts forever.
- Things can and will change, just like the seasons.
- Through it all, the Lord remains your 'Everlasting Light'.
- He will light your way and bring it to pass.
PRAYER: Lord, be my 'Everlasting Light'. Thank You that I can trust You that the seasons of my life will change in Your perfect timing. Amen.
Week 135
So vinnig soos die nag vervloë
Voor die son opkom. - Isaac Watts -
Week 136
Verse: Revelation 21:5
Week 137
Ons God, ons hulp deur die eeue heen,
Ons hoop vir heel die toekoms,
Ons beskutting as die storms
kreun, 'n Ewige tuiste vir ons. - Isaac Watts -
Week 138
Daily Bible Verse: Isaiah 63:14
Week 139
Gedurig prys want Hy het vir ons al die geestelike seën
van die hemel gegee wat Christus vir ons verkry het.- Efesiërs 1:3 -
Week 140
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 100:4
'Enter His gates with a song of thanksgiving. Come into His courtyards with a song of praise. Give thanks to Him; praise His name.'
- You and I can know His presence in our daily lives.
Week 141
Twee is nodig om die waarheid
te onthul - een praat
en die ander om te luister. - Thoreau -
Week 142
Daily Bible Verse: Acts 3:19
'Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.'
- The Lord has got seasons and times of refreshing in store for us.
PRAYER: Lord, forgive me for those things that stop the flow of Your refreshing in my life. Come now, oh Lord and refresh and strengthen me I pray. Amen.
Week 143
As jy die kruis blymoedig
dra, dra ek saam met jou. - Thomas Á Kempis -
Week 144
PRAYER: Lord, Your great love for me overwhelms me. Thank You that You will not in any way fail or abandon me. Amen
Week 145
Met U het die dood skoonheid
aan sy duisternis verleen.
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 146
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 23:3
'……He restores my soul…….'
- What a joy to know that He will come and restore our souls.
PRAYER: Lord, come and restore and renew my soul today. May I be repaired, recharged, renewed and revived I pray. Amen.
Week 147
Bid vir my siel. Baie meer word deur gebed vermag as wat
hierdie wêreld kan droom....
Laat jou stem soos 'n fontein vir my opgaan nag en dag...- Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 148
Verse: Matthew 5:12
- We have so much to be thankful for and to rejoice about.
Week 149
Bid vir my siel. Baie meer word deur gebed vermag as wat hierdie wêreld kan droom......
laat jou stem soos 'n fontein vir my opgaan nag en dag....
- Alfred, Lord Tennyson -
Week 150
Verse: Hebrews 10:36
- It is easy to give up and throw in the towel.
Week 151
Nader is Hy as 'n asemteug, en nader as hand en voet.
-Alfred, Lord Tennyson - .
Week 152
Verse: John 14:20 (NIV)
- The Lord wants His involvement in our lives to be a reality.
Week 153
'n Lig wat op my pad kan skyn en my na die Lam toe bring!
- William Cowper -
Week 154
Verse: Proverbs 15:9 (NIV)
- Doing the right thing is not always easy, but it is always the best.
Week 155
Die briesie en die sonskyn, en verfrissende reën daarby.
- Jane Campbell -
Week 156
Verse: Psalm 91:1 (NIV)
- Stay as close to the Lord as you possibly can.
Week 157
Het jy alles verloor!!!
Week 158
Verse: Psalm 91:1 (NIV)
- Stay as close to the Lord as you possibly can.
Week 159
Ons is kosbaar omdat God ons lief het !!!
Week 160
The prayer:
Thank You for Your tender mercies.
Thank You for giving us friends and family to share joys and sorrows with.
I ask You to bless my friends, relatives, brothers and sisters in Christ and those I care deeply for,
who are reading this right now.
Where there is joy, give them continued joy,
Where there is pain or sorrow, give them your peace and mercy.
Where there is self-doubt, release a renewed confidence.
Where there is need, fulfill their needs.
Bless their homes, families, finances, their goings and their comings.
In Jesus' name,
Week 161
Louwarmte beskou ek as 'n sonde-
ewe groot in geloof as in liefde -
- Abraham Cowley -
Week 162
Verse: Isaiah 55:2
- Every moment we have is a gift from the Lord.
Week 163
Die Here is my keuse en daarom vertrou ek Hom
Die Here is goed vir die wat op Hom vertrou en doen wat Hy wil hê
Dit is vir ons die beste om geduldig te wag totdat die Here ons red. - Klaagliedere 3:24-26 -
Week 164
Verse: Colossians 1:11 (Phillips)
- The experiences of life that we pass through are not always easy.
Week 165
Met my oog gerig op God en die ewigheid besef ek ... dat ek geen haat
of bitterheid teenoor enigeen moet koester nie. - Edith Cavell -
Week 166
Daily Bible Verse: Psalm 16:8-9
'I always keep the LORD in front of me. When He is by my side, I cannot be moved. That is why my heart is glad and my soul rejoices. My body rests securely.'
PRAYER: Lord, thank you that You are always with Me. Because of this great fact I can rest secure and nothing needs to come and shake or rattle my security in You. Amen.
Week 167
As jy nie kerse aansteek nie, mag jy nie oor die donker kla nie.!!
Week 168
Daily Bible Verse: Ephesians 5:15-16
'Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of the time, because the days are evil.'
- We live in times when each step we take needs to made in wisdom.
- Don’t be irrational or unwise.
- Ask the Lord to show you in which direction you should move.
- Let us make the most of every moment He gives us.
PRAYER: Lord, may my life be an example of someone that is guided by Your wisdom on a daily basis. Amen.
Week 169
Met my oog gerig op God en die ewigheid besef ek ..
dat ek geen haat of bitterheid teenoor enigeen moet koester nie. - Edith Cavell -
Week 170
Daily Bible Verse: Matthew 6:22
'Your eye is a lamp that provides light for your body. When your eye is good, your whole body is filled with light'
- As a child I used sing a song: ‘Be careful little eyes what you see!’
- What we entertain with our eyes can affect our entire lives.
- We can choose to see the negative or we can choose to see the good.
- As we focus on what is good it will fill our lives with light.
PRAYER: Lord, it is my desire that my life would be filled with the light that can only come from You. Flood my life with Your light I pray. Amen
Week 171
Julle weet tog hoe min mossies werd is .. en tog vergeet God nooit 'n enkele een van hulle nie.
Moet dan nie bang wees want julle is baie meer werd as 'n hele klomp mossies.
God weet selfs presies hoeveel hare daar op julle kop is. - Lukas 12:6,7 -
Week 172
Daily Bible Verse: Matthew 6:20-21
'Store up treasures for yourselves in heaven, where moths and rust don't destroy and thieves don't break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.'
- Sometimes we waste so much time and energy on futile earthly things.
- Often we can be distracted by things that do not last or endure.
- Our greatest treasure is the joy of knowing God in our lives.
- Let Him be your treasure and be delighted with your God.
PRAYER: Lord, may my life not be wasted on futile and temporary things, but may I know what it means to love You and be loved by You. Amen.
Week 173
En God, een wet, een element, En een veraf goddelike moment,
Wat hele skepping aandryf. - Alfred Lord Tennysen -
Week 174
Daily Bible Verse: Luke 8:16
'No one lights a lamp and hides it in a clay jar or puts it under a bed. Instead, they put it on a stand, so that those who come in can see the light.'
- You and I are meant to bring light into a dark world.
- We should shine with HIS light and bring hope to those around us.
- Don’t hide or conceal your light.
- Be like a lighthouse to those who are looking for hope and direction.
PRAYER: Lord, may my light shine bright and may I be a good reflection of Your love and light to others. Amen.
Week 175
"Waardig die Lam wat gesterf het", roep hul,
"So wonderbaaar verhewe";
"Waardig die Lam" rpep hul gul,
"Geslag sodat ons kan lewe".- Isaac Watts -
Week 176
Daily Bible Verse: Proverbs 10:9
'Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out.'
- Walking in integrity leads to walking securely.
- Crooked paths will be exposed and will be brought into the light.
- The Bible says that we should be sure that our sins will find us out.
- When you have nothing to hide or to fear you can live with confidence.
PRAYER: Lord, I choose to live according to Your patterns and character. May I be found to be a person of integrity and may it never be said of me that I took crooked paths. Amen.
Week 177
Rots van alle eeue vir my gebreek,
Laat ek my in U versteek; Laat die water en die bloed,
Gevloei uit U deurb oorde sy, Die greep van die sonde verbreek,
En my van sy skuld en krag bevry. - Montague Toplady -
Week 178
Daily Bible Verse: Proverbs 13:22
'A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.'
- Wealth gained through wrong means ends up being taken away.
- The next generation seldom see the benefit of such wealth.
- But the good person leaves something their children can be proud of.
- Be a blessing to the next generation by doing the right thing.
PRAYER: Lord, may my life and the way in which I choose to live my life be something that my children and my children’s children will be able to admire and be thankful for. Amen.
Week 179
Ons God, ons hulp deur eeue heen, Ons hoop vir heel die toekoms,
Ons beskutting as die storms kreun, 'n Ewige tuiste vir ons. - Isaac watts -
Week 180
Daily Bible Verse: Proverbs 13:22
'A good person leaves an inheritance for their children's children, but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.'
- Wealth gained through wrong means ends up being taken away.
- The next generation seldom see the benefit of such wealth.
- But the good person leaves something their children can be proud of.
- Be a blessing to the next generation by doing the right thing.
PRAYER: Lord, may my life and the way in which I choose to live my life be something that my children and my children’s children will be able to admire and be thankful for. Amen.