Gedagte vir die week: Deel 4

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[Dankie aan Tommy Roselt vir die dagstukkies wat hy so getrou vir my e-pos. Ek plaas dit weer op my beurt hier sodat die besoekers van hierdie blog ook daarin kan deel. Op 'n stadium was "Gedagte vir die week: Deel 1" die mees gelese bladsy. Daarom het ek dit goed gedink om dit in korter eenhede te verdeel. Besoek "Gedagte vir die week: Deel 5" hier.  Schalk Pienaar] 

Week   1  Ja, ek kos Hom die slae, die smarte en die hoon;
                vir my word daar gedrae die kleed die doringkroon;
                vir my was daardie wonde, vir my moes  Hy daar staan;
                Hy moes vir al my sonde die bitt're kruisweg gaan.
                ~ Halleluja lied 76:4 ~

Week   2  Bible Verse: Psalm 37:25

'I was young and now I am old, yet I have never seen the righteous forsaken or their children begging bread.'

- The faithfulness of the Lord is the foundation of our lives.
- He will be faithful to those who love and follow Him.
- His faithfulness extends to the next generation.
- Rest and be confident in His faithfulness towards you.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your faithfulness towards me. Thank You that You never forsake the righteous and this is Your promise without any exception. Amen.

Week   3  Vervul,o Heer, my hart met stille wyding,
                 waar ek herdenk die diepte van u lyding,
                 hoe U daar aan die kruis vir my gesterf het;
                 my heil verwerf het. Lied 391;1  

Week 4  Daily Bible Verse: Hebrews 13:5 (Weymouth New Testament)

'For God Himself has said, ‘I will never, never let go your hand!’'

-  How reassuring it is to know that the Lord will never let us go.
-  He says to you today: ‘I will never, never let go your hand!’
-  He will not withdraw His presence from you.
-  He will not withdraw His help and support from your life.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the fact that You will always be with me. Others may let me go or abandon me, but You will always be there to hold me by my hand. Amen.

Week   5  As ek vir iemand langs die pad kan hulp aanbied,
                As ek iemand kan opbeur met 'n woord of lied...
                Dan sal my lewe nie tervergeefs wees nie..  ~Alma Smith ~

Week 6 Bible Verse: Mark 10:27

HE looked at them and said, 'With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God.'

- But with the Lord, all things are possible.
- He is the Author and Source of all possibilities.
- He enables us, by His grace, to triumph over all the difficulties and hindrances.
- Man may say something is impossible, but the Lord has the final say.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for looking at me today and reminding me that You are a miracle-worker. May I never forget that with You, all things are possible. Amen.

Week 7  Ek verwag om hierdie  wêreld slegs een keer te bewandel; laat ek daarom enige goeie daad wat ek kan doen, of enige guns wat ek aan 'n medemens kan bewys, nou doen ... want ek sal hierdie pad nie weer bewandel nie.
~Stephen Grellet ~   

Week 8 Bible Verse: Mark 10:21

'And HE (Christ), looking at him, loved him.'

- The Lord looks at you today and He loves you.
- Love is His primary motivation.
- May you and I know that 'look of love' that comes from our Saviour!
- May you know, deep within your heart, that He loves you dearly.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your everlasting love for me. I receive Your love and I pray that Your love will be a living reality in my life. Amen

Week   9  Is die mens enigsins beter as skape of bokke. As hulle ten spyte daarvan dat hulle God ken
                 hul hande nie in gebed ophef vir hulleself en vir diegene wat hulle vriende noem nie ?
                 ~ Alfred, Lord Tennyson ~

Week 10  Daily Bible Verse: Mark 11:25

'If you hold anything against anyone, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may forgive you your sins.'

-  Unforgiveness and grudges rob us of God’s blessings.
-  We all carry scars and wounds.
-  As we release these things, we can receive healing and forgiveness for ourselves.
-  As we extend forgiveness to others, God extends forgiveness to us.

PRAYER: Lord, I forgive those who have hurt me and done harm to me and my family. I choose to walk in forgiveness so that I can enjoy the freedom that it brings. Amen

Week 11  Kom, laat ons vrolik saamsing met Engele om die troon;
                Tienduisende wat hul lied bring, soos een hul vreugde betoon.  ~Isaac Watts ~      

Week 12 'Have faith in God,’ He answered'
-  There are many things in life that rattle and disturb us.
-  But through it all we should continue to have f aith in God.
-  What seems difficult to you is easy with God.
-  The things which are impossible with men are possible with Him.

Philippians 4:8

'Fix your thoughts on what is true, and honourable, and right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable.'

•    Our thoughts are an important part of our lives.
•    In fact, we become what we think.
•    We can choose what we fix our thoughts on, either positive or negative.
•    Let your thoughts be fixed on what is true, honourable, right, pure, lovely and admirable.

Prayer: Lord, forgive me for the negativity, doubt and fear that often fills my thoughts. I choose today to fix my thoughts on those things that please You. Amen.

Week 13 Op God is my hoop gevestig; Hy vernuwe my vertroue , Hy lei my deur verandering en
                noodlot die goeie en waarheid bly behoue.
                God ondeurgrond'lik Hy alleen kan my hart vir Homkom neem. ~Robert Bridges ~ 

Week 14
  Bible Verse: Hebrews 10:23 

'Let us seize and hold tightly the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is reliable and trustworthy and faithful to His word.'

-  You and I are encouraged to have confidence towards God.
-  Our Hope is our greatest asset.
-  We need to hope firmly onto the hope we have in Him.
-  The Lord is reliable, trustworthy and faithful.

PRAYER: Lord, I choose to hold tightly onto the hope that I have in You as my Father and my God. May I not waver or doubt because You are reliable, trustworthy and faithful. Amen

Week 15 Wanneeer God ons vergewe, moet ons onsself ook vergewe ... ~CS Lewis ~

Week 16   Bible Verse:  Corinthians 10:13

'God is faithful, and He will not let you be tempted beyond your strength, but with the temptation will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.'

-  The foundation of our faith is the fact that God is faithful.
-  In His faithfulness He knows how much we can bear.
-  He will not allow us to carry more than we are able to carry.
-  And He promises a way out or a ‘way of escape’.

PRAYER: Lord, truly You are my Faithful Father. I rejoice to know that You know what I am facing and you will make a way for me to endure it and to emerge victorious. Amen

Week 17 Ek weet nie wat môre vir my inhou nie,
                maar ek weet dat die Almagtige môre in Sy hande hou. ~ Anoniem .~

Week 18  Matthew 25:21

'You have been faithful over a few things, I will make you ruler over many things.'

•    Consistently being faithful brings rewards.
•    As we are faithful over our everyday responsibilities, further doors will open.
•    Often it is the little things in which we need to be faithful.
•    As we are faithful in the little things, over time, greater things will be entrusted to us.

Prayer: Lord, as I endeavour to be faithful with the things that You have entrusted me with, I pray that You will open many new and exciting doors for me. Amen.

Week 19  God het Sy liefde vir ons aan die kruis bewys. Toe Christus daar gehang, gebloei en gesterf  het, was dit God wat vir die wêreld gesê het: Ek het jou lief. ~Ãnoniem ~

Week 20    Verse: Acts 4:29

'Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable Your servants to speak Your word with great boldness.'

- In the course of life we do face threats and challenges.
- But the Lord wants to empower us to handle things with His strength.
- His word is our greatest weapon and confidence.
- No matter what you are facing, may He enable you to be bold and strong!

PRAYER: Lord, You know every aspect of my life and You know every challenge that I am facing. I ask You to come and strengthen and enable me to stand secure in You. Amen.

Week 21  O, klein dorpie van Bethlehem, hoe still lê jy daar!
                 Bo jou diep en droomlose slaap waar die sterre verby vaar.
                 Tog skyn daar in jou donker strate 'n Ewige helder lig.. ~Phillips Brooks ~

Week 22 Verse: Acts 4:29

'Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable Your servants to speak Your word with great boldness.'

- In the course of life we do face threats and challenges.
- But the Lord wants to empower us to handle things with His strength.
- His word is our greatest weapon and confidence.
- No matter what you are facing, may He enable you to be bold and strong!

PRAYER: Lord, You know every aspect of my life and You know every challenge that I am facing. I ask You to come and strengthen and enable me to stand secure in You. Amen.

Week 23 Maar bo alles wees getrou aan jouself.
                dan is dit so seker soos die nag op die dag
                volg dat jy nie vals teenoor enige mens kan wees nie ... ~Shakespear ~

Week 24 :      2 Samuel 7:21

'You've done this great thing because of Your promise and Your own desire. You made it known to me.'

- The Lord wants to do great and wonderful things in your life.
- His promise to you is a promise of blessings.
- His own desire and character is such that He chooses to bless us.
- May you know, in your heart, His favour and love for you!

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your great promises and for the fact that You want to do great things in and through me. Amen.

Week 25 Onophoudelike sonskyn verander goeie grond in 'n droë woestyn. ~

Week 26 Verse: Exodus 20:2

'I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.'

- Freedom is God's plan for all people.
- Slavery is the enemy's plan for all people.
- Don't let the enemy have a foothold in your life, my name.
- Receive and live in the freedom that the Lord has for you.

PRAYER: Lord, I choose to walk in the freedom you have for me. I resist the enemy and his plans to enslave me and I receive the freedom You have made available to me. Amen.

Week 27
Bly by my. as die duisternis verdiep; Here bly by my.
Wanneer ander helpers faal en .. troos is verby.
Helper van hulpeloses, O  bly by my...~Henry Francis Lyte

Week 28 
Verse: Deuteronomy 5:33

'Walk in obedience to all that the Lord your God has commanded you, so that you may live and prosper and prolong your days in the land that you will possess.'

Following and obeying the Lord brings great and wonderful rewards.
Here are the rewards:
1. We will truly live and know His abundant life.
2. We will prosper as a result.
3. Our days will be prolonged.
4. He will give us a land to possess.

PRAYER: Lord, what a joy it is to follow You and to walk in obedience to all You have told me to do. May I be faithful as we walk this road and may I enjoy the rewards as a result. Amen.

Week 29

Wat is Liefde?

Dit is 'n houtkruis teen alleenheid,

'n Steunpilaar in pyn,

'n Vuurhoutjie en 'n olielamp,

Wanneer jou lewenslig begin kwyn.

Dis 'n skouer om op te huil,
Wanneer die wêreld jou soms druk,
'n Hand wat weet wanneer om jou vas te hou,
en wanneer om vir jou 'n roos te pluk.

Dis 'n oor wat na jou luister,
Al praat jy soms nie sense,
'n Stem wat vir jou fluister:
"Jy's 'n dierbare mens."

Dis 'n kombers teen die koue,
'n Sambreel teen die reën,
'n Fort waardeur geen wind kan waai,
Selfs wanneer die donderweer buite dreun.

Dis 'n telefoonoproep uit die bloute,
'n Drukkie wanneer jy dit die nodigste het,
En wanneer woorde oorbodig is,
Word Liefde 'n stille gebed.

Bo alles is Liefde 'n gawe van God -
Geen mens kan daarsonder klaarkom -
Dis die kern van Sy grootste gebod.

Week 30
Verse: Psalm 57:8
'Awake, my soul! Awake!'

- Are you truly alive or are you simply existing?
- Sometimes we can go through the motions, but we feel dead inside.
- The Lord wants us to enjoy abundant life and that includes real life.
- Our hearts and souls should be stirred to awaken, come alive and thrive.

PRAYER: Lord, I choose to live and not just exist. I pray that You will come and stir my heart today so that I can truly live knowing the fullness that only You can give. Amen.

Week 31
Kennis is die eending,
Waarvan die waarde nie afneem nie
Wanneer dit gebruik word nie ~JM Braude ~

Week 32
Verse: Psalm 57:7

'My heart, O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music.'

- To live with a confident and steadfast heart is a wonderful thing.
- When we live like this, we do not need to fear the shakings that happen.
- Our hearts can rest in the One who never changes.
- This allows us to live without the weight of worry and fear.

PRAYER: Lord, I declare that my confidence is in You and in You alone. I rejoice in You and in the strength You give me. Amen.

Week 33
Jy leer om lief te hê, deur lief te hê. ~Francis Sales ~

Week 34
Verse: Psalm 57:5'Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be over all the earth.'

- Praise is one of our weapons in times of difficulty.
- Choosing to praise changes our focus from the situation and onto God.
- The moment this happens the Lord can move on our behalf.
- So don't focus on the situation, focus on the One who can move mountains.

PRAYER: Lord, I choose to lift up my eyes above the issues and challenges that surround me, knowing that YOU can do more than I could dream or imagine. Amen.

Week 35
Taal is die weerkaatsing van die siel -
wat 'n mens sê, weerspieël wie hy is! ~Publius Syrus ~

Week 36
Verse: Psalm 42:8

'But each day the Lord pours His unfailing love upon me, and through each night I sing His songs, praying to God who gives me life.'

- Night and day, the Lord is with you to guide and carry you.
- Each day He wants to pour out His love on you.
- Each night He wants us to know His joy and protection.
- He wants to come and fill your life with good things.

PRAYER: Lord, may Your unfailing love be a living and real reality in my life today. May I know and experience Your carrying power every day. Amen.

Week 37
Ek het kennis van alles.... behalwe van myself...~Francois Villon ~

Week 38
Verse: Ruth 2:12

'May the Lord repay you for what you have done! May you be richly rewarded by the Lord!'

- Nothing we ever do for the Lord goes unrewarded.
- God is not unrighteous to forget  your work and labour of love.
- The Lord is no man's debtor.
- He will always richly reward and wonderfully repay your sacrifice.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You are the one who rewards us for what we have done. You know our hearts and You see our actions and You undertake to reward and repay. Amen.

Week 39
Wees lief vir die mense wat God vir jou gegee het,
want op 'n dag gaan Hy hulle terug vat.

Week 40 
Verse:  Ephesians 1:4

'For He chose us in Him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless in His presence.'

- What a joy to know that the Lord has chosen each one of us.
- The Lord has chosen ME for Himself.
- He has chosen me so that I can enjoy His presence in my daily life.
- As a result we can live lives that honour Him.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for choosing me. I submit my life, my heart and my future into Your loving hands. May I experience Your presence and live in such a way that I bring You honour because of Your great love for me. Amen.

Week 41
Die jeug leer baie oor hoe om die maan tr bereik,maar baie min oor hoe o die hemel te bereik.
~David Jeremiah ~.

Week 42
Verse: Psalm 91:7
'A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.'

- When we choose the Lord as our protector, He provides what we need.
- He can take what was meant to destroy us and turn it into a testimony.
- Great security is promised to believers in the midst of danger.
- Although we will face danger, with God, we can emerge victorious.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your promise to see me through. In the midst of all that I am facing, may I know Your presence and Your hand in every detail. Amen.

Week 43
Ons leef nie in vrede met ander nie, omdat ons nie in vrede met onsself lewe nie; en ons lewe nie in
vrede met onsself nie, omdat ons nie in vrede met God lewe nie. ~Thomas Merton ~
Heer Jesus, ek dank en loof U dat U deur u Gees aan my vrede gee wat alle verstand te bowe gaan..~

Week 44
Daily Bible Verse: Exodus 4:12

'Now then go, and I, even I, will be with your mouth, and teach you what you are to say.'

-  When we know the Lord is with us, we can step out in confidence.
-  The Lord will be with you.
-  The Lord will give you the words to say.
-  Don’t hesitate, be bold and step out as He leads you.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that You are with me. I know that with Your strength I can step out with boldness and courage to be used by You in a wonderful way. Amen.

Week 45
Die Hemel...: Ons Vader is daar
                     : Ons Verlosser is daar
                     : Ons naam is daar
                     : Ons tuiste is daar
                     : Ons hart is daar
                     : Ons lewe is daar
                     : Ons erfenis is daar
                     : Ons burgerskap is daar

Week 46
Verse: 2 Kings 6:6b

'Then the axe head floated to the surface.'

- The truth is that axe heads do not float.
- God can turn any situation around, He can even cause an axe head to float.
- What situation are you facing that seems impossible to you?
- Give it to the Lord and ask Him to do a miracle and watch what He will do.

PRAYER: Lord, I believe that You are a miracle-working God. I give You my impossible situation and ask You to do a miracle for me and I will not forget to be thankful for what You have done. Amen.

Week 47
Ek weet nie wat môre vir my inhou nie, maar ek weet wie môre in sy almaghtige hande hou.
~ Adoniram Judson ~
Vader- God en in Jesus ook my Vader, help my om met opgewondenheid uit te reik na die toekoms wat U vir my ingedagte het. Laat my glo dat ek dit in krag sal bereik. ~ Solly Ozrovech ~

Week 48
Verse: 2 Corinthians 4:18

'So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.'

- Where we focus our attention is very important.
- Physical things that we can see with our eyes can often distract us.
- There is another dimension that is far more important.
- The unseen, our faith, our hope and the eternal aspects, are what really matters.

PRAYER: Lord, help me not to be distracted or disturbed by what I see and hear that goes on around me. May I always remember that these things are temporary, but the things You offer me are of an eternal nature. Amen.

Week 49
Nie aan ons, o Here, nie aan ons nie, maar aan u naam gee eer, om u goedertierenheid, om u trou ontwil. ~Psalm 115:1

Week 50
Verse: Romans 4:8
'Against all hope, Abraham in hope believed and so became the father of many nations, just as he had been told.'

- Even when things seem to be working against us, we should keep trusting.
- Abraham had all the odds stacked against him, but he held onto God's promises.
- Eventually every word that the Lord had spoken came to pass.
- Let us be people of faith and let us continue to believe in His faithfulness.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You that I can trust and hope in You no matter what the circumstances may be. Against all hope, I choose to hope and trust in You. Amen.

Week 51
Elke keer as jy 'n kers opsteek, om die pad vir iemand ligter te maak,
Word  jy self deur die lig en warmte van die vlammetjie geraak.
Dink vandag daaraan  dat selfs die kleinste vlammetjie ook lig en warmste kan gee
.~Helen Seiner Rice~

Week 52
Verse: 1 Chronicles 22:19

'Now devote your heart and soul to seeking the Lord your God.'

- Searching and seeking after the Lord should be our soul's desire.
- If you are searching for answers, you will find them in God alone.
- Don't allow your heart to be distracted or preoccupied with other things.
- Give Him the place of priority and seek the Lord your God.

PRAYER: Lord, today I choose to devote my heart and life in the pursuit of You. It is my desire to seek You, know You and be loved by You. Amen.

Week 53~
Om te kan wen, moet jy eers met die Vader praat..
Rig jou gebed tot Hom. Dan antwoord Hy en gee raad.
Bid van dag met 'n opregte hart. Bid met oorgawe en volharding. ~ Helen Steiner Rice. ~

Week 54
Verse:       Exodus 23:20

'Behold, I am going to send an angel before you to guard you along the way and to bring you into the place which I have prepared.'

- The Lord has a plan and a purpose for my life.
- I am by no means an accident.
- He has pre-prepared things for me to do and places for me to go.
- All along the way of life, He is there to guard and to guide me,…………………….. my name.

PRAYER: Lord, I look forward to the future and what lies ahead, knowing that You will be with me every step of the way. Amen.

Week 55
Dis heerlik om bly en vrolik te wees, en almal streef na geluk,
maar 'n hart wat sag en teer is ook soms seer en bedruk.
Onthou vandag dat nie net vreugde nie, maar trane belangrik is. ~Helen Steiner Rice ~

Week 56
Verse: Isaiah 63:9b

'In His love and mercy He redeemed them. He lifted them up and carried them through all the years.'

- The love and the mercy of our loving Father reaches out to us.
- In His love and His mercy He wants to reclaim and protect me.
- He is the One who will lift me up.
- He is the One who will carry and sustain me through all the years.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your love and mercy towards me. You truly are my faithful Father and I know that You will carry me. Amen.

Week 57
Ek en jy is God se kinders, Hy het ons lief solank ons lewe- hoe wonderlik om altydte weet
dat Hy ook ons sondesvergewe.
Sê vandag vir jouself dat God jou liefh en jou vergewe. ~Helen Steiner Rice ~

Week 58
Verse:       Isaiah 63:9a
'In all their distress He too was distressed, and the angel of His presence saved them.'

- The Lord knows and understands all that we pass through.
- He is troubled when we are troubled.
- He personally wants to intervene and rescue you.
- His very presence will carry and comfort you.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for carrying me in the issues of life that I face. May I know that Your presence is with me to comfort and to guide. Amen.

Week 59
Elke probleem is ook 'n kans ,'n geleentheid wat kom van bo om die hoogste en beste
vir God te bereik - Vetrou net op Hom en glo.
As daar geloof in jou hart is, kan jy vandag enige probleem die hoof bied. ~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

Week 60
Verse: Hebrews 6:19a
'This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.'

- Our hope in the Lord is the anchor for our souls.
- We should anchor ourselves on God, the Rock of Ages.
- This anchor will hold no matter what storms we may face.
- May you rest secure because you know that your anchor is sure!

PRAYER: Lord, I declare that You are the anchor of my soul. In You I find security and in You I find the hope that my soul needs and longs for. Amen

Week 61
Laat ons, Here, in stilte, Die wonder van u nabyheid ervaar - Vul ons met u vrede en vreugde,
Vandag - en dwarsdeur  hierdie jaar.
.Lê vandag al jou gedagtes en sorge in Jesus se hand. ~Helen Steiner Rice ~

Week 62

Verse: Proverbs 25:21-22
'If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the Lord will reward you.'

- How we respond in difficult situations can change circumstances.
- It is said that hurt people, hurt people.
- With God's help we can respond with a different spirit.
- When we respond out of love, miracles can happen.

PRAYER: Lord, I extend forgiveness to those who have hurt and harmed me. I choose to be an instrument of peace and healing as Your love works in and through me. Amen.

Week 63
Wys my die weg,nie na rykdom of faam,
Nie na wêreldse lof vir my eie naam..
Nee, wys my hoe om elke dag, Heer, U Naam te verkondig en te vereer.
 Ek wilby U in die heiligdom wees om daar u mag en grootheid te ondervind. ~ Ps 63.3 ~
Spits jouvandag daarop toe om die Goeie Nuus uit te dra. ~Helen Steiner Rice  

Week 64
Verse:       Matthew 6:6

'When you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you, and pray to your Father in private. Then your Father, who sees everything, will reward you.'

- Prayer is such an important aspect of our spiritual lives.
- Prayer is simply talking to the Lord.
- Your Heavenly Father sees and knows everything.
- Let us take some time to spend with Him and He will reward you.

PRAYER:  Lord, thank You for this moment in which I can pause and bring my requests and petitions to You. Thank You that You see everything and You will reward me. Amen.

Week 65
Moenie vra watter sin die lewe het nie ... vra liewer watter sin jy aan die lewe gee.. ~Victor Franklin~

Week 66
Verse:       Deuteronomy 1:31

'.... the Lord your God cared for you all along the way as you travelled through the wilderness, just as a father cares for his child.'

- My Heavenly Father cares for me.
- Each day and each step of the way, He is there.
- He is a good Father and a great Shepherd.
- He will care for me because I am His child.

PRAYER: Lord, what a joy it is to know Your enduring care for me. I choose to rest secure in Your love and in Your care for me. Amen.

Week 67
God se Genadegroei die weligste wanneer dit winter is in ons lewe. ~ S Rutherford . ~

Week 68
Verse: Exodus 33:14

And He said, 'My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest.'

- The Lord wants to personally accompany us on the road of life.
- We don't need to battle on, on our own.
- I (the Lord) will personally go with me and HE will give me rest.
- The reassurance is that with Him everything will be fine for me.

PRAYER: Lord, I receive this reassurance in my heart today. I will be confident knowing that You are with me today and every day. Amen.

Week 69
Bly naby die mense mense vir wie jy lief is en op wie jy staatmaak.
Hulle liefdevolle teenwoordigheid en drukkies is 'n belangrikke bron
van troos en geloof. ~Vertaal deur Hester Venter~

Week 70
Verse: Hebrews 6:19a
'This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls.'

- Our hope in the Lord is the anchor for our souls.
- We should anchor ourselves on God, the Rock of Ages.
- This anchor will hold no matter what storms we may face.
- May you rest secure because you know that your anchor is sure!

PRAYER: Lord, I declare that You are the anchor of my soul. In You I find security and in You I find the hope that my soul needs and longs for. Amen

Week 71
Hy het geword wat ons is sodat ons kan word wat HY is... ~Athanasius ~

Week 72
Verse: Genesis 1:14

Then God said, 'Let lights appear in the sky to separate the day from the night. Let them be signs to mark the seasons, days, and years.'

- With the Lord, nothing stays the same forever.
- He never changes, but He brings change in the seasons of our lives.
- No season was ever designed to last forever.
- He will work in your situation and bring about His plan and purposes.

PRAYER: Lord, it is a great comfort to know that I am not locked into one season for life. You will bring different seasons and times to pass, and I will see Your faithfulness in all of them. Amen.

Week 73
 Geloof is die weiering om paniekerig te word. ~ Martyn Lloyd- Jones. ~

Week 74
Verse:   Psalm 139:17a
'How precious are Your thoughts concerning me, O God! How vast in number they are!'

- It is remarkable to think that the Lord is thinking about you and me.
- He thinks thoughts concerning you and your well-being.
- The Lord takes an active interest in your life.
- This truth is something wonderful and precious.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for Your thoughts towards me. How precious it is to know that You are thinking and caring for me. Amen.

Week 75
Gehoorsaamheid is die vrug van geloof,
Geduld is die bloeisel van die vrug! ~Christina  Rosetti ~

Week   76
Verse: Judges 6:16

The Lord said to him, 'I will be with you. And you will destroy the Midianites as if you were fighting against one man.'

- Sometimes it can feel as if a mighty army has come against us.
- We may feel fearful and even feel like failure is inevitable.
- But the Lord always has the final word.
- HE is with you, and that means that any threat can be conquered.

PRAYER: Lord, give me the strength that I need to realise that You are with me and together we will overcome the challenges that lie ahead. Amen.

Week 77
Mense sal oor godsdiens stry, daaroor skryf, daarvoor veg enigiets doen - behalwe om dit uit te leef!
~CC Colton ~
Week 78
Verse:   Matthew 8:8
'He answered, 'Lord, I am not worthy to have You come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed.'
- Just one word from the Lord can change any situation.
- When we have a word from the Lord it gives us direction and comfort.
- When we have a word from the Lord, it will remove all the doubt.
- Ask Him to speak into your situation and when He speaks, the future is created.

PRAYER: Lord, I ask You today to speak into my life. I need to know what You are saying so that I can follow and obey Your leading in my life. Amen.

Week 79
As jy nie kerse aansteek nie, mag jy nie oor die donker kla nie...   ~Anoniem ~

Week 80
Verse:   Psalm 103:4
'He redeems your life from the pit; He crowns you with faithful love and compassion.'

- When we are facing the greatest challenges, God steps in to save us.
- Destruction and 'the pit' is not His plan for you.
- He wants to lift you up and turn the situation around.
- He wants to show you His faithful love and compassion.

PRAYER: Lord, I pray that You will come and lift me up today. May I walk in newness of life and enjoy Your great faithful love and wonderful compassion towards me. Amen.

Week 81
Bid vandag dat jy alles en almal deur 'n bril van liefde sal sien, want dan sal jy ook nie meer fout
vind nie.~ Helen Steiner Rice ~

Week 82
Verse:     Hebrews 11:8
'It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when God called him to leave home and go to another land that God would give him as his inheritance. He went without knowing where he was going.'
- We would all like to see the big picture and know things with clarity.
- But sometimes we have to just take the next step and leave the rest to God.
- Faith calls for confidence in the Lord even if the destination is not clearly defined.
- May our lives be an example of faith in the One who sees the big picture!
PRAYER: Lord, I choose to live a life of faith. Give me the courage to take the next step and help me to rest in the fact that You know the end from the beginning. Amen.

Week 83
Werk vandag daaraan om die situasies waarmee jy gekonfroteer word , beter te verstaan. Tree ook só op dat jou reaksies telkens van insig en begrip sal getuig. ~Helen Steiner Rice ~

Week 84
Verse:   Genesis 3:9
But the Lord God called to the man, 'Where are you?'
- The Lord longs for relationship with us, His children.
- HE desires that nothing would come between us.
- Even in our weakness, He continues to reach out to us.
- He asks: 'Where are you?' and your response should be 'Here I am Lord!'

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the opportunity of relationship with You. Here I am Lord, I desire to know You better and to be known by You. Amen.

Week 85
Dis ongelooflik, maar waar, dat God net van ons vra om ons probleme  vir Hom  te gee, dat Hy hulle verder kan dra.
Vertrou en gehoorsam vandag; gehoorsaam en vertrou môre. ~Helen Steiner Rice ~

Week 86
Verse: Deuteronomy 20:1
'When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you.'
- In the course of life we do face battles.
- In the heat of the battle, the enemy may look overwhelming.
- But greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
- You can rest, knowing that God has your back and that He is your security.
PRAYER: Lord, regardless of the issues and challenges that I face, I will trust in You and I will not fear because You are with me. Amen

Week 87
Sê vir God dankie: Hy meet genade nie in teelepels af nie. ~Amy Carmichael. ~

Week 88
Verse: Genesis 7:16
'A male and female of each kind entered, just as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord closed the door behind them.'
 - Life is full of opportunities and choices.
- Life presents us with a 'window of opportunity' to do the right thing.
- But there comes a time when God closes the door behind us.
- It is then that we see the benefit of the choices we have made.

PRAYER: Lord, help me, as I take each day that You have given me, to do the right thing and follow Your leading. May I use my 'window of opportunity' to do what honours and pleases You. Amen.

Week 89
Geloof is om my leë hand na God toe uit te reik om die gawe van Sy Genade te  ontvang ~AW Pink~

Week 90
Verse: Hebrews 11:21
 'By faith Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons, and worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff.'
 - Our lives are meant to be lived with purpose and destiny in each step.
- We are placed on earth to be a blessing to others.
- Our walk of faith should be the central theme to our daily existence.
- Even at the end of life, we should still be worshiping the Lord faithfully.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the life that You have given me. May my life be a life of purpose and blessing as I worship You all the days of my life. Amen.

Week 91
Die belangrikste maatstaf van spiritualiteit is nie ekstasie nie, maar gehoorsamheid.~
~  Dewald Chambers ~

Week 92
Verse: Deuteronomy 20:1
'When you go out to battle against your enemies and see horses and chariots and people more numerous than you, do not be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, who brought you up from the land of Egypt, is with you.'
 - In the course of life we do face battles.
- In the heat of the battle, the enemy may look overwhelming.
- But greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
- You can rest, knowing that God has your back and that He is your security.

PRAYER: Lord, regardless of the issues and challenges that I face, I will trust in You and I will not fear because You are with me. Amen.

Week 93
Genade is liefde wat omgee, wat neerbuig en wat red. ~John Stott. ~

Week 94
Verse: Deuteronomy 31:8
'The Lord is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed.'
- Sometimes the future can bring fear and doubt into our lives.
- But the Lord promises to go ahead of us.
- He knows the future, because He is already there.
- Our responsibility is to rest in Him and place our confidence in Him.

PRAYER: Lord, I rejoice to know that You are the one who goes ahead of me. You chart the path that lies ahead for me and I can walk with confidence. Amen.

Week 95
 Sonder Christus is daar geen hoop nie. ~Charles H Spurgeon. ~

Week 96
Verse: Joshua 1:5b
'I will never leave you nor forsake you.'
- This is a promise and an undertaking from the Lord.
- It stands true in good times and also in difficult times.
- This fact should be the bedrock and foundation of our lives.
- Never doubt His word, but embrace His great love for you.
PRAYER: Lord, thank You for this very reassuring fact. You are with me and I have nothing to fear. Amen.

Week 97
Een van die grootste geskenke wat  God vir ons kan gee is,is die gawe van goeie vriende,
en die tye saam bestee.
Kyk van dagof jy Jesus kan sien sien in die mense met wie te doen kry en in dinge wat met jou gebeur  ~Helen Steiner Rice. ~

Week 98
Verse: Psalm 126:2
'Then our mouth was filled with laughter and our tongue with joyful shouting; then they said among the nations, 'The Lord has done great things for them.'

- What a joy it is to be able to testify about God's goodness in our lives.
- May He fill your mouth with laughter!
- May your tongue shout out with a joyful shout!
- May this be a reality to me because of the great things He has done for me.
PRAYER: Lord, fill my mouth with laughter and let my tongue shout out in praise as I celebrate Your faithfulness and as I expect Your kindness in the future. Amen.

Week 99
'n Glimlag kan die vrees verdryf- net so sekeras wat 'n sonstraal lig in die donkerste nag bring,
uit jou hart kan haal.
Help vandag om die leemte in iemand anders se lewe te vul, en moenie bydra tot 'n ander se eensaamheid nie.  ~Helen Steiner Rice. ~

Week 100
Verse: 1 Samuel 12:24
'But be sure to fear the Lord and faithfully serve Him. Think of all the wonderful things He has done for you.'
- Sometimes we should stop and remember how God has undertaken for us.
- Think about the wonderful things He has done for you.
- When we remember His faithfulness, we can look forward with confidence.
- Then we can serve Him faithfully and love Him completely.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the wonderful things that You have done for me. It is my desire to love and serve You all the days of my life. Amen.

Week 101
Julle is die sout van die Aarde ~ Mat:5:13

Week 102
Verse: 2 Samuel 22:34
'He makes me as surefooted as a deer, enabling me to stand on mountain heights.'

- Do you realise that the Lord has certain 'mountain heights' in store for you?
- We do face valleys in the course of life.
- Valleys were never meant to last forever, mountain heights are reserved for you.
- May He make your steps sure and secure and bring you to that place!

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for the wonderful things that You have in store for me. May each step I take be in line with Your plans and purposes for my life. Amen.

Week 103

Ons kyk iemand voor die kop, maar nie in die krop. ~Anoniem~

Week 105
Julle is die sout van die aarde.  ~Matt: 5:13~

Week 107
Genade verstom omdat dit teen gesonde verstand indruis. ~Lewis B Smedes~

Week 109
Geloof is 'n bewys van 'n nuwe lewe nie die oorsaak daarvan nie. ~John Piper ~

Week 111
Die enigste reddende geloof is die geloofwat hom op God beroep in die lewe en in sterwe.
 ~Martin Luther. ~

Week 112
Verse:   Luke 1:49
'For the Mighty One has done great things for me; and holy is His name.'

- Never forget that you serve a mighty God.
- The Mighty One has and will do great things for you.
- Live with expectation and confident belief in His greatness.
- Celebrate His faithfulness thus far and look forward to it in the future.

PRAYER: Lord, I want to take this moment to remember and celebrate Your faithfulness towards me in the past. What a joy it is to know that as I face the future, I can expect more of the great things that You have in store for me. Amen.

Week 113
As hy 'n baie waardevolle pêrel raakloop, gaan verkoop hy alles wat hy  het, en koop die pêrel. ~Matt.13:44.~

Week 114
  Luke 1:35
The angel answered, 'The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God.'

- The whole story of Christmas is one filled with wonder and miracles.
- Every aspect of the story reminds us that it was God at work in the lives of the human race.
- The greatest wonder is what actually happened and that we celebrate it today.
- We remember Him being born into the world, BUT He needs to be born in us as well!

PRAYER: Lord, today I surrender my heart and life to You. May I not just look at Christmas as a historical fact, but may I know what it means that You have been born within me and I am Your child. Amen.

Week 115
God roep en gebruik mense ook vir jou. Hy het 'n taak vir elkeen van ons, daar waar ons elke dag leef, in die huwelik, in ons gesinne, by ons werkplekke,daar waar ons ontspan tussen vriende. Al
hierdie terreine is deel van die speelveld van roeping.

Week 116
Verse:   Luke 2:10

And the angel said to them, 'Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.'

- The story of Christmas and the birth of our Saviour was the greatest news ever.
- We remember this time of the year because it brought the promise of hope.
- To this day the hope of Christmas continues to be a story of good news and great joy.
- If the truth of Christmas is a reality to us, we need not fear, but we can rejoice.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for this most wonderful time of the year. Thank You for the 'good news' of 'great joy' that we can celebrate and enjoy with those we love. May we never forget the true reason for the season! Amen.

Week 117
Ek sien die woord "hoop"as geloof, want hoop is niks anders as volgehoue geloof nie.
 ~Johannes Calvyn~

Week 118
Verse: Luke 2:10

And the angel said to them, 'Fear not, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people.'

- The story of Christmas and the birth of our Saviour was the greatest news ever.
- We remember this time of the year because it brought the promise of hope.
- To this day the hope of Christmas continues to be a story of good news and great joy.
- If the truth of Christmas is a reality to us, we need not fear, but we can rejoice.

PRAYER: Lord, thank You for this most wonderful time of the year. Thank You for the 'good news' of 'great joy' that we can celebrate and enjoy with those we love. May we never forget the true reason for the season! Amen.

Week 119
Die hele geskiedenis is onverstaanbaar sonder Christus. ~Joseph Ernest Renan.~

Week 120
Verse: Isaiah 9:6

'For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on His shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Cousellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.'

- God in His great wisdom, has given us all we need.
- He gave us His Son and with Him comes the very essence of our every hope.
- He is our Wonderful Counsellor and our Mighty God.
- He is our Everlasting Father and our Prince of Peace.

PRAYER: Lord, truly You are the one and only true living God and I down my knee before You today. As Your child I can know that You are the fulfillment of all my longings and desires. Amen.

Week 121
Hulle wat die Christusfees nie in die hart het nie, soek dit tervergeefs toegedraai in geskenkpaper onder die feesboom. ~ Roy L Smith.~