Sunday 25 June 2023

I can't ...

I can't pray LORD if I only live for myself
I cannot pray FATHER if I have not become His child
I can't pray WHAT IS IN HEAVEN if I'm still earthbound
I can't pray HALLOWED BE YOUR NAME if I use it suddenly
I can't pray LET YOUR KINGDOM COME if I don't carry out His word
I can't pray LET YOUR WILL BE DONE if I always want my own sense
I cannot pray for my DAILY BREAD if am living exponentially
I can't pray AS WE FORGIVE OUR DEBTORS when I walk around with a grudge
I can't pray LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION if I play with sin
I can't pray TO YOU BELONG TO THE KINGDOM if I'm not serving Jesus
I cannot pray AND THE POWER if there is still fear in my heart
I can't pray AND THE GLORY as the own I rule my life
I can't pray TILL ETERNITY if I don't expect His coming
I can't say AMEN if I don't believe like a child.